Camp Halfblood Heros ~Fanfiction~ Chapter 18

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Aj's POV

Aj grabbed the flag that was now at his feet, and stood it up, putting the end of it into the ground. Just as Chiron asked who had last taken hold of the flag.

"The Blue Team. Or Myself, for the blue team." Aj said bravely, standing tall, and Andria laughed next to him, standing closely at his side. "Andria and I." He said with a shrug before the blue team erupted into cheer. Aj laughed and hefted the flag into the air, smiling, scanning who all was around, until his eyes rested on Caly, who's arm was bleeding pretty badly. Aj frowned.

He waited for the crowd to clear before walking up to her, and gently pulling her aside. "Im sorry about this morning." He said softly, trying to meet her eyes. "Sorry you had to deal with me once i..well passed out." He admitted meekly, blushing a bit. Was it really just this morning? It felt like weeks ago. Aj honestly felt so much more mature and...maybe that's just the cockyness spreading to his head.

He felt eyes on him, and turned around to see Andria watching the two of them closely. He made eye contact with her, trying to tell her he'd talk to her tommorow. At the moment, he wanted to just focus on Caly.

"Im Ajax...but you can call me Axel, or Aj. Even though that was a bit of a late introduction...i hope it didnt come across as a bad first impression?" He said questioningly, hoping she wouldnt hate him for what he'd done earlier. Gods, she was being awfully quiet. What was he doing wrong?

Then he noticed her arm again. "Your arm." He said with a frown. He didnt wait for her to reply, but gently took her hand, and led her down by the water, kneeling down so his elbow was touching the waters surface, and his fingertips softly touching hers. He felt a tug at his gut, and willed the water to travel up her arm, to the wound, and felt himself grow slightly weaker from it. Healing himself was much easier than healing others. He'd have to work on that, he thought to himself. He smiled, and left his fingertips on hers, even when the water had stopped. "All better?" He asked her softly, hoping it hadnt hurt her, and that it had taken the pain away aswell. He smiled when she nodded, and gently, hesitantly took his hand away from hers, just as Greatin walked up to them.

"Hey Ax! Chiron told me to show you to your cabin and get you settled in w-...oh..was i interupting something?" He asked finally.

Aj laughed, and shook his head. "Na. Its cool man. And alright." He said, nodding at Greatin. He turned to Caly and smiled. "I'll cya round, i guess." Before hesitantly following Greatin to his new cabin, his hand tingling from where his skin had met hers the whole time.

"Well, here we are! The Pohoosideon cabin." Greatin said, bleeting goatily on the o's. Aj laughed, and smiled.

"Thanks G." He said.

"No problem, Ax." Just then, a boy with dark hair, and blue eyes, and another Satyr walked out of the cabin.

"Oh Hey Grover!" Said Greatin enthuisiastically. Grover was a satyr, who had very very large horns, and was...african american...? 'Huh..thats a new one.' Aj thought to himself. He didnt mean it to be racist, he just wouldnt've thought a satyr to be black. Honestly, it might've given him more respect for the guy!

"Hey Greatin." Said Grover, who was chewing on a metal can. "And this is Axel im guessing?" Grover said grinning with a mouthfull of can, at Aj, who nodded, and held out his hand. Grover shook it roughly, causing Aj to laugh.

"Axel." Aj said.

"Grover." Grover said in return.

"Cool." Aj said grinning a bit. He liked this satyr almost as much as Greatin, already! Then he noticed the boy with the blue eyes.

"Hey Axel. Im Percy Jackson. Your half brother." He said with a smile, putting his fist out for a fist bump, which Aj greatfully returned.

"Nice to meet ya bro." Aj said laughing a bit. Percy Grinned at him.

"Ok, well its past curfew, So i'll cya Tommorow Gman." Percy Said, slapping Grover on the back, who nodded, and patted Percy on the shoulder. "Cya Perce." He said before trotting off, and dragging Greatin with him, before Aj could say cya to HIS protector. With a sigh, Aj picked up his bag, and followed Percy inside the cabin. He took the bottom bunk next to percy, and started unpacking his brand new clothes Bryan had gotten him from the store. He'd said they were a "Special" Delivery. Whatever that meant. After finishing packing, Aj changed into a pair of sweats, and a white beater before hopping into bed, and really taking a good look around the cabin.

The walls had been painted an ocean blue, and half the cabin was outdoors, over the lake, but the netting over the frame of the outside structure was almost as thick as wall, and made the room feel pretty surprisingly private. The beds were silver metal frames, and multiple colored retro blue comforters, with waterbed mattresses. The Oil lamps were in the shape of Dolphins, and sharks, and could be easily lit. The rest of the room was pretty simple, a flat screen tv, painted blue with seashells rimming the frame of it, multiple sea animal decorations, and shells covering the wall. Next to the door, in the wall was a floor to ceiling fish tank, that seemed to almost be connected to the ocean..? Fish would swim in it, and disapear, replaced by new fish. Once Aj even thought he saw a dolphin! The floor of the cabin was all sand, but somehow none of it stuck to anyones feet or...hooves. The Ceiling was painted a light gray, and had no lights, the fish tank giving off enough light to light up the whole room. Thank the gods it had a brightness option, or they would've never gotten any sleep. There were three bunks total, and Percy had already informed Aj of their other half brother, Tyson, who was a cyclops. Honestly, Aj couldnt wait to meet him! The room had several other peices of furniture, including two gamming chairs, that were completely inflated by water, and not to mention an xbox360, that Aj still needed to make a profile for. Percy said they're dad was really cool, and that he stocked they're room several years back, and would restock it just about every 6 months. Aj was liking the sound of this already. In the far corner was a minifridge, that Percy said held bottles of water, and a few snacks. A couch was in the corner next to the Fish tank, and it too was made of water. A shelf made completely of seashells held a number of movies, including, Titanic, Finding Nemo, and Sactum. Aj found that to be pretty funny, but awesome.

Finally settling down in his bed, after turning down the fishtank lights, Aj drifted off to sleep.

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