Camp Halfblood Heros ~Fanfiction~ Chapter 67

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Caly's POV

Caly laughed and offered a hand to Aj, who was still on the ground with a very pathetic look on his face.

"Dude." She said, shaking her head, as he gets hoisted up back onto his feet. He gave her a wry smile. "Did you just get knocked down by ME?" Caly emphasized the last word, because to be honest she was shocked he even toppled back due to her gentle shove. Let's just say she isn't the biggest person around. Her body was lean and flexible, she was exactly 5'4 and was originally one of the smallest girls in her class.

Guess she was built like a hunter, she told herself one time.

Her dad even said she was born wild. Hah.

"Dudette." Aj replied brushing himself off. "I was giving the ship a fricking hug. It went through alot ya know." He grinned as he motions across the Argo III, showing off all the damage it had gone through in the past 2 days. Wait. 2 days? or was it like 5 days? Caly had no idea. She frowned suddenly deep in thought, as she remembered Annabeth mentioning something about Hera messing with them again. Oh and let's not forget that they had only 5 days, until the Vernal Equinox. What would happen if they failed? She didn't even want to worry about that right now.

Seeing her in slight distress, Aj tapped her on the elbow once with a sort of worried-teasing look. "You ok there?" he asked.

She nodded and smiled slightly. 'Don't get too close to him' her mind warned her for about the 100000 time. And just like always, she ignored it. She's allowed to have FRIENDS at least, right? If their gonna be on this life and death quest together, then might as well get along. Caly put on a bright smile, once more till she looked ahead and saw Andria, glaring at them. 'Oh boy.' With a sigh, she looked back at Aj with a sad look.

She was about to think of a stupid excuse to leave, but then Leo came to the rescue and yelled out "Landing in 5 minutes people!!! I suggest you puke WHEN you get off the ship. Gracias." Caly mentally thanked whatever god or goddess of luck there was(Nike right? Whatever. Her mind just wasn't working.) and set her attention back to the blonde haired boy beside her.

"Alright, well." She said as she swung her arms around. "Ship's bout to land. I'll talk to you in a bit. I think Percy needs you to help him get the supplies or something." Caly smiled apologetically at Aj for the last time(Gods her cheeks were hurting. She never smiled THAT much in a day EVER.) and turned around to head off to wear Piper was sitting, as she watched Jason try and fix a loose rope around the sails.

"Hey." Piper said with a smile.

"Hi." Caly said, climbing onto the sides to sit beside her.

"You and Aj ok?" Of course the daughter of love would ask that.

Caly gave her a suspicious look, to which Piper just shrugged off with a laugh.

"Chill. Just wonderingg."

Caly scoffed and said, "Yeah, uh huh." just when Derek came.

"4 minutes!" he shouted in their faces, while clapping his hands together. "Seriously, move aside sparky let me do this." Derek motioned towards Jason, who had been trying to wrestle a celestial wire down around it's bolt, to step aside, and he did, letting Derek take over to finish the job in less than a minute. It's hard to believe he only just getting used to being the son of the God of metalwork.

"Impressive", Caly stated and gave Jason a funny look.

Piper stifled a laugh, and Jason just rolled his eyes.

"I tried." He stated nonchalantly, with a shrug, recieving a kiss from his girlfriend. Caly smiled at the two.

Looking out towards the horizon, she saw that they really were landing in less than 4 minutes. She tensed and her hand instinctively went to her hips,  feeling the cool, smooth handles of the daggers that were lined up perfectly on her belt.

Caly was ready. Or at least as ready as she'll ever be, she thought. 

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