Camp Halfblood Heros ~Fanfiction~ Chapter 74

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Aj was awakened by a large array of thunderous, colossal sounds.

On any normal day He would have quickly sprung up out of bed, and without taking notice of his choice of bedtime attire from the previous night, (Typically Spiderman Underwear and no shirt) would have raced outside to the exact spot the noise had originated from. He would have had his daggers at the ready, and shockwave unsheathed and in his hand. His mind would have been reeling, thinking of all his possible points of weakness, and plans for an escape. His adrenaline would have been sky high and his senses would have been on high alert. But as Aj slowly dragged himself out of the comfort of his warm bed, he took no notice of his surroundings, paid no attention to the misplaced trophies and little figurines that had fallen from their shelves during the Argo’s incredibly ungraceful landing, and was by no means on high alert as he smoothly managed to stub his toe on the corner of his now awkwardly angled bedside table and then promptly fall flat upon his face a foot from the door that swung open as he took a tumble.

“Pardon me son, but you look to be a bit troubled. Would you care for some help? Or if you wish otherwise I could tell you that the percussion act you just performed was terrific!” The voice that echoed through the room was one he didn’t recognize, and as Aj started to open his eyes groggily for the second time in 5 minutes, he became aware of an intensely bright light that shone down upon him, sending a warm sensation through his body, a feeling that seemed to radiate off whomever was talking.

‘Could you take it down a notch Apollo??!?! I’ve had enough blindingly bright light to last me centuries!’ He thought as he pulled himself onto his feet.

“Sorry, No can do. The notch is in a permanent position because it makes me more lovable, warm and cozy.” He paused for a moment to raise his hands in a dramatic gesture, his eyes gazing upwards at some beautifully invisible being. “Let this sun, be kissed.” His voice seemed to radiate throughout the whole ship, his every word dancing off of all surfaces as he continued to act out his words.

Aj couldn’t help but give him a scrutinizing look. “Apollo?” The man with the bright golden hair and even brighter eyes looked down at Aj, his shoulders suddenly slumping in disgrace, his bright eyes dulling slightly to shoot the young demigod a look that shouted ‘Obviously’, but before Aj could apologize for his slow reaction and get down on one knee to bow down to the holy god of the sun and repetively chant how he wasn’t worthy, The every so charismatic god of the Sun spoke up once more.

“No no! It is I, Aphrodite! Aren’t I so BEAUTIFUL!!!!” His tone was bitterly sweet and sarcastic as he batted his long eyelashes femininely at The son of the sea god.

“Ok, the look was enough.” Aj grumbled as he sat down in a chair across from his bed, slouching down in the seat as he sighed. He didn’t particularly appreciate the sarcasm that the ‘charming’ god of the sun shot his way. “So almighty god of everything golden, bright, and shiny, Why have you honored us with your presence?” Aj said, his tone bitterly sarcastic as he really took in the sight of the man standing in front of him.

Apollo, though charming wasn’t as tall as most tales had given him credit for. He seemed lean, and though very fit, he was slim. His whole presence radiated greatness, but from what Aj had heard all gods and goddesses presences did so in some way. Sometimes they reeked, sometimes they made you feel like your balls were gonna freeze and fall off and others made you want to rip off your neighbors ears and fry them to death in a pan of flaming grease. ‘Hah, Greek fire.’ Aj thought to himself causing him to laugh, getting an amused reaction from Apollo.

“Something funny?” The god questioned.

Aj shook his head in reply, still waiting for a response to his earlier questions. The amused expression didn’t fade even slightly from the handsome gods face as he took a seat on the nearby table, not bothering to ask which irritated Aj a slight bit. Everything seemed to irritate him today after what had happened earlier. Apollo seemed to sense Aj’s irritation and quickly asked “May I?” to which Aj nodded and relaxed ever-so-slightly in his seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2014 ⏰

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