Camp Halfblood Heros ~Fanfiction~ Chapter 32

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Aj's POV

Aj laughed whole-heartedly when she stopped, and put her hands up, in a gesture to say she had nothing to do with this prophecy. She asked him if he was at least a little freaked out by the whole thing, but to be honest, Aj wasnt. In the past 2 days he had gone through alot, but the one thing that hadnt happend, was him becomming hatred of any of it.

He knew for a fact that everything happend for a reason, no matter how hard, or horrible, or stupid, or pointless it seemed. In the past 2 days he'd accepted it, and made it part of his life just like everything else. He saw her somewhat impressed look when he showed no sign of being freaked out. He nodded, and nodded again at the sparrow thing.

"I trust you." He said smiling, letting her know that he knew she wasnt just making it up, and that he trusted her judgement. It had only been 2 days since they'd met, but to be honest, as unreal as it seemed, Aj already trusted Caly with his life. He was too far in over his head, and he knew it would come crashing down on him, when she expressed the feelings that didnt match his, nor what he wanted, but for the moment being he was just going to enjoy it. Aj cleared his throat and sat up straight at her question taking it into mind.

"I'll talk to Chiron and let him decide who he wants, or doesnt want to tell." He said after a moments hesitation. "I-if thats alright i mean." He said quickly afterwards, not wanting to sound controling or bossy.

Aj took in the very pitiful look she was giving him, and smiled brightly, his cheeks extending full over his bright white teeth, and his dimples showing prominently. Her lips were cutely pouted, and her eyes begged for his attention, and help. He wished so badly he could just lean forwards and close the space between her pouting lips, and his smiling ones, but he knew he couldnt, and that he shouldnt be thinking this way anyways. She barely knew him, much less liked him as far as he could tell. He shook his head, and cleared his throat once more, before standing up and offering her his hand

. "Shall we go and tell Chiron then?" He said smiling softly at her, blushing slightly after realizing what he'd said, but not withdrawing his hand, nor smiling any less than he was before.

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