Camp Halfblood Heros ~Fanfiction~ Chapter 60

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Caly's POV

’Oh Zeus forbid I ruined their precious relationship’ Caly muttered to herself.

A small smile emerged on her face, but it’s not because she wanted to ruin anyone’s relationship. She was smiling, because of what ALMOST happened between Aj and her. And what was the deal with the nickname? When he called her ‘hotshot’ she felt as if…ohhh no no no. Not this again.

And just like that, Caly turned into herself again. Lying. Thieving. Sneaky. Freak. She didn’t have a care in the world.

All except now, that is. She cared for her friends. And for her friends only.

She sat there alone on the stairs with her legs in a criss crossed position, and her hands trailing back and forth on the sharp, ruined edges of the torn up staircase, wondering what Andria and Aj were doing in the room. Then again she DIDN’T need to know what they were doing. With a small shudder, she look to her right to see Derek eyeing her and immediately looked away once she caught his gaze. She frowned. What were they talking about? she wondered, but stayed where she was. If it was important or if they had wanted her to know in the first place, they would’ve called her over. Caly leaned back with her head resting on a part of the stairs that was surprisingly untouched by the fight from earlier, and closed her eyes. She was notoriously known as a daydreamer back in Denver.

As she tunes out the random voices of the others around her, the soft humming of the ship and the wind’s soothing whistle took over her. She felt as though she was flying, even though the Argo III was an airship afterall. Caly felt like she belonged somewhere. Maybe her mom being a moon goddess wasn’t so bad afterall. As she was about to drift off to sleep, a loud bang interrupted her. Her eyes opened instantaneously as Aj stomped out, with his weapons in hand and headed off into his own resting room. Curiosity got the best of her, as she stood up and stretched her arms high above her head. She couldn’t help a slightly amused smile forming on her face, when Andria appear a few minutes after Aj had. She looked horrible.

‘Oh stop it Caly’ her mind spat at her. ‘Your gonna end up in the fields of punishment one day.’ Caly shrugged her shoulders lightly but she stood her ground where she was and sat on a metal frame that had the sail engine below it. She was careful not to break it of course, considering Leo and Derek had spent quite a while trying to fix it. Seeing Andria approach Aj’s door, She was surprised when the black haired girl stopped mid-way and turned in her direction. ‘Hm’ she thought to herself with a slight tilt of her head.

Andria looked at Caly for a second before finding the courage to make her way over to her. The daughter of Artemis with shady night colored eyes that seems to almost glow like the moon whenever a form of light hits it, was looking at Andria as if she was trying to find a way to disarm her if needed. Wasn't really a surprise.

Caly didn’t even break her stare when Andria stood in front of her. “Can I help you?” She asked with a polite, innocent smile.

“Be quiet.” Andria shot back, and when Caly’s smile turned immediately into a tight line, she knew she made a mistake as she took a small step back.

Andria waited for Caly to reply and when she didn’t say anything, she said “Is-…” Andria seemed to take in a dramatic shakey breath. ‘What did Axel tell you earlier?”

Caly frowned. “And that’s your business because?” 

“Because I’m his close friend. That’s why.” Andria attempted to keep her footing, against Caly. 

“Oh?” To be honest, Caly was a little shocked to hear Andria refer to Aj as a ‘close friend’. But that didn’t make a difference. 

And when Caly said no more, Andria finally got irritated. Something was definitely bothering this girl. “you know what?? I don’t get your problem. I TRY to be nice but your little 'badass' act gets me NOWHERE. And Now Aj and I had a fight and your happy about that aren’t you? Arent you? And also if I hadn’t been here he wouldve died! While you fell for the Sybaris’ tricks he wouldv’e-”


Andria held her right cheek. Caly stood in front of her with her hand back down by her side, once again. Caly could feel eyes on the two of them, and she could see Annabeth pulling away from Percy as if to make her way over to where they were.

“I’m sorry for being such a jerk on this entire trip. That’s my problem. Not yours. Alright?” Caly said softly and calmly, before nodding towards Aj’s cabin. “Now your little friend is in his cabin, sleeping. I suggest you don’t bother him.” She smiles slightly and somewhat kindly. Caly legitly hates people now.

‘Well that ruined my day’ she thought to herself, as she walked past a shocked Andria and headed straight to Derek. She sat by him on the edge of the ship, and sighed.

“Dude…” He said looking at her with a somewhat impressed grin.

“Oh shut up.” She muttered without looking at him. Leo did a low whistle and Piper shook her head, and Jason…well he seems to be distracting himself with a very interesting piece of charred wood in his hands. Annabeth was looking at Caly disappointedly and Percy seemed to be wide awake now. Caly had nothing else to lose.

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