Camp Halfblood Heros ~Fanfiction~ Chapter 63

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Aj's POV

Aj turned his head as a bright light made contact with his peripheral vision.

He turned first to see Andria smiling at him hopefully, and immediately balled up his fists, and avoided her gaze, causing her to frown, which at the moment, he quite honestly didn’t care. She said what she said, and she did what she did, Aj had every right to be mad at her for it. Even if she did save his life.

He knew he would get over it eventually, he always did, he was unwillingly loyal to everyone who had ever even once shown a bit of kindness towards him, but he wasn’t over being upset quite yet. He knew it was childish but hey he was only 15! Still not legal people! Still perfectly ok, to throw a tantrum, cry, and whine! So he could still be a kid for a while.

Until he had to start killing monsters that was. Aj avoided Andria’s gaze, and scanned the deck until his eyes made contact with the last person he wanted to see. Jacov. He didn't really like the guy. Judgemental of him? Maybe, but still.

He knew Jacov had something for Caly, and he hated it.

Stop it Aj. You’re just fucking yourself over. She doesn’t love you. Get over it.

He wanted to. He wanted to get over it. But he didn’t know how, and anyone who knew him, knew there were certain things he didn’t let go of, and Caly…Caly was one of those things. Aj watched as her features brightened as she took in her “buddy”.

Aj’s stomach twinged with a feeling he didn’t recognize. It hurt, it ate at him, and it was annoying as hell. It seemed to be digging its way into his heart, ripping it up as it went along. Aj unconsciously clawed at his chest, only realizing he’d been doing so when his arms thunked heavily against the wood of the ships deck as they feel loosely to the ground at his sides.

Aj watched Caly, and how she smiled at Jacov. The entire time, the feeling in his stomach, and in his chest grew worse and worse until finally he couldn’t take it any longer. Aj was positive she felt something Jacov. He knew she didn’t love him, but he hated facing the facts anyways.

Aj got up quickly, his hood still hiding his eyes, and made his way as quickly, and as quietly as possible back to his cabin, only to be stopped on the way there by Andria. She gently put her hand on Aj’s arm, to which Aj roughly shrugged it off.

“Aj i-“

“Leave me alone.” He said harshly, not meeting her eyes, but instead finding a spot to focus on, above her head. She slowly withdrew her arm from his, and Aj could tell by her movements she was hurt, but he couldn’t take anymore right now, he was nearly at his breaking point, and he had to get out. Maybe it was the newbound speed they were the air.

Aj shoved past his friend as gently as he could in his rush to escape company, and quickly tried to make his way to the shadowed portion of the deck, knowing that if he went to his cabin he would have to face his brother. Aj took a seat roughly against the rail once more, staring emotionless at the ocean waters moving quickly below him. He wished ever so much at that moment in time that he could be a wave. To be driven by the ocean, having only one purpose, but a large purpose indeed. To be surrounded by people just like him, and to be loved, and gently carried throughout his life.

Aj’s thoughts were interrupted once more when a hand gently found its way to his shoulder. “Leave me al-“ Aj quickly cut himself off upon realizing he was staring at Piper, the last person he expected. He cleared his throat, and frowned. “Sorry. Thought you were somebody else?” Piper seemed to find this somewhat amusing, and laughed softly, nodding.

“Can I talk to you?” She asked, and Aj furrowed his brows, completely confused upon why Piper would want to speak to him.

“Yeah sure.” Aj nodded, and motioned for her to sit down, which she did. “Whats up?” He asked, his voice cracking halfway threw the question, causing him to groan, and put his head in his hands.

“Nothing much. Drama llama, having to do with 3-4 people I know. Nice people. It’s a shame they’re so messed up with the whole...mess.” She said, her tone taking a teasing edge. Aj removed his head from his hands, and looked up to meet her nearly violet eyes.

“Yeah I know. It sucks. Whale blubber.” Aj muttered the last part to himself, but knew he hadn’t done so quiet enough when Piper laughed softly once more.

“Life often does, hon.” She said with a sympathetic look. Aj shrugged, and rested his chin on his hand. “Want to tell a girl whats up between you and Caly?” She asked, her eyebrows raising in curiousity. Aj looked away, his chest tightening at the mention of Caly’s name.

“Not really.” He said quietly. Aj knew Piper heard him, only by her soft sigh, and her gentle tug at his arm to turn her way again.

“You love her.” She stated bluntly. "Or excuse me. Too strong of a word? How about you feel very strongly about her."

Aj went wide eyed, and quickly averted his eyes, finding a very interesting loose nail, on the ship deck. “No.”

Piper sighed, and Aj didn’t have to be watching her to know she rolled her eyes. “I believe that as much as I Believe in Team Jacob.” Aj looked over at her then, and cocked a brow.

“Team what?” Piper just laughed and shook her head. Yeah, still never gonna understand girls. Aj thought to himself with another shake of his head. After a while of silence, Piper looked over at him once more.

“Do you?” she asked softly. Aj hesitated, silence filling the air between them once more, for a while, before nodding slowly.

“Yeah. I think I do.” Piper smiled as if already knowing his answer, and nodded, clapping her hands together excitedly, then stopping, and becoming serious again.

“Then don’t give up on her Aj. As a child of Aphrodite I know for sure, that love conquers all.” Pipers eyes were stern, and demanding, letting Aj know she wasn’t jacking around. Aj stopped suddenly, and frowned.

“Wait, how’d you know?” He asked, his brows furrowing together once more.

“Im a daughter of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, Aj. I know things.” She said with a laugh, before getting up, ruffling his hair, and walking off, but not before saying, “Just don’t give up on her.”

And with that, Aj was left alone again. With a sigh, Aj glanced around to see the others had gone to their cabins, and slowly but surely, he made his way to his own, crashing into his bunk as soon as he hit the pillow.

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