Camp Halfblood Heros ~Fanfiction~ Chapter 22

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                                                                              Aj's POV

Aj took one simple glance at Caly, and was immediately in awe of her amazing, flawless, perfect features. He tried to slow his breath, and seem nonchalant, trying to not seem like he rushed here even though he did.

"H-hey Ca-" Aj started to say quietly, not wanting to wake up any nearby sleeping campers, before being cut off by Greatin, and his new friend.

"Pleasure to meet you Humphred." Aj said, faking a hopefully very convincing smile, and holding out his hand. Humphred extended his hand, and shook Aj's. A chill went down Aj's spine just as their hands met, and not the good type either. It was cold, and if a chill could, it would be almost..dark, and heartless? Aj brought his arm back to his side as quickly as possible without being rude, and smiled politely still at Humphred, who smiled back, his eyes seemingly dark yet somehow friendly in a weird, cruel way. 'You're just seeing things again Aj' He told himself, and shrugged it off, but made his best effort not to make eye contact with the Satyr anyways.

He waited impatiently as Greatin animatedly told of his and Humphreds adventures, and what led to the eventual finding of himself, Caly, and Derek whom he'd met earlier. Aj smiled, and laughed, nodding along with the story, trying to seem interested, when in all truth all he wanted to was to talk to Caly. He didnt know how or why, but for some reason he just knew that something was wrong, and he wanted to help.

Aj found himself peering at her from the corner of his eye when she wasnt looking, taking in her beauty bit by bit. Eventually, noticing Caly's restlessness, Aj decided to make a stop to Greatins "fascinating" stories, and laughed loudly then yawned, and stretched.

"Woo im stiff. Think i need to go for a run." He said convincingly, and almost somewhat honestly. He'd slept strangely on his bed, and his shoulders were stiff. Aj turned to Caly, motioning with a backwards thumb towards the woods. "Want to join me Caly?" He asked with a wink, knowing that Greatin, nor Humphred could see now that his back was to them. Aj waited only a second for her response, and nodded, leading the way past Greatin and Humphred, after murmering a nice to meet you, and saying goodbye to Greatin, who looked somewhat hurt.

He'd have to appologize for that later, but for the mean time he needed to figure out what was wrong with Caly. Aj led the way to the woods, where he slowed his pace, and walked forwards, keeping his head straight forwards aswell, with his arms at his side.

"Theres a bunch of rocks just down the bend." He said pointing to the bend in the dirt path. "We can sit down there." He said, leading the way forwards, not waiting for her to answer. As they approached, the rock clearing, Aj pulled back the heavy branches that guarded the entrance to the clearing, for Caly, then entered himself, letting the branches go, and feeling the breeze they made as they sprung back into place. He looked around and smiled slightly. It was a clearing about the size of a small car, circular in shape, with a grassy floor. All around were thick patches of bushes, and trees, making a thick wall that was possibly even sound proof around the clearing. Aj motion for her to take a seat on one of the rocks, and took a seat on one of the ones across from her.

"Sorry to be rude, but i sort of figured you might want to get out of Greatins oh-so entertaining tales?" He said with a soft laugh, smiling at her.

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