Camp Halfblood Heros ~Fanfiction~ Chapter 26

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Aj's POV

Aj frowned, the concerned look on his face becomming even more prominent, and serious as she replied.

"Leave your Cab-" He was cut off by her explanation a few seconds after. He listened to her explanation knowing she wasnt tell the entire truth. He didnt know how, but he knew it wasnt. He knew something was still wrong.

'Leave her be Aj. If she trusted you enough she would have already told you' His mind told him, insisting he do the smart thing which wasnt his style. He watched her silently for a moment or so, shifting from where he was sitting. He sighed quietly and nodded.

"Oh. Are you sure Caly?" He asked, the worry, and concern most likely clear in his voice, which in a usual circumstance would cause him to blush, but for some reason this time didnt. He felt comfortable talking to Caly. Happy almost. She was amazing to him. 'I love her.' His mind spat out. 'No. No you dont Aj, you barely know her.' He told himself. But he knew the truth. He had feelings for this girl, and even though he had just met her they were strong. He wanted to be with her, and again he didnt know why.

He just wanted her to be safe and happy, no matter who it was with. He wouldnt admit it to anyone else, and he knew it too, but Aj was in love with Caly. It wouldnt make sense to him why, or how it became but he was. From the first second he saw her there had been something different about her. But he knew she would never love him the way he did her. He was Ajax Cameron, the boring, stupid, quiet, loserish guy no girl wanted to be with. 'Just be her friend.' His mind spoke to him once more. Her friend. He could live with that.

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