Camp Halfblood Heros ~Fanfiction~ Chapter 47

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Aj's POV

Aj couldn’t help the huge, cheesy smile that spread over his lips as Caly walked threw the door, even though he immediately dropped his gaze.

Her hair was framed gently across her forehead, waves of gorgeous brown running down her back, shinning brightly in the morning sun. Her misty grayish blue eyes shone with curiousity, and wonder as she looked around the cabin, then turned darker as she laid eyes upon the unfriendly god of wine. She was wearing short blue shorts, hugging her clean, tan, muscular legs just right. On top she sported the usual camp-halfblood T-shirt, with some sort of shirt over it…a clouse maybe? Wait no. Blouse. Yeah a blouse. Either way it looked great on her. She looked perfect as ever, and Aj could barely help himself from staring at her again.

‘SNAP OUT OF IT KELPHEAD!’ He mentally screamed at himself. ‘Suck some coral.’ He shot back. He paused in his thoughts for a moment, and laughed allowed at himself. ‘Whooo im fighting with myself. Again. Ok. I have issues.’ He thought, before taking in the curious eyes of His brother, and the rest. He just shook his head, and they all turned their own to walk out the door following Chiron, all except Caly, who smiled just slightly at him from where she stood by the door, waiting for him to catch up.

Aj jogged to the door, grabbing his pack, and throwing it over his shoulder, before holding the door for Caly so she could walk out, then quickly catching up to her after, as they all walked to the van.

“You ready for this?” Aj asked her, with a slight grin.

Caly seemed to laugh just slightly, hiding her face in her hands, and turning the other way as she walked as she often seemed to do whenever smiling or laughing. She shook her head when she turned back around though, and Aj nodded.

“Yeah, me either.” They both laughed, before making their way to the car where the others were waiting, and hopping in, after being given a goodbye from Chiron. Mr, D. had (Thankfully) stayed back at the big house, being preoccupied by a rather interesting coke can. Aj sat back in his seat, waiting until the van came to a rather abrubt stop, causing him to gracefully smack his face into the seat infront of him. “Ow..” He muttered, whipping at his face, before grabbing his stuff, and following the others out the door.

As Aj hopped out of the car, the bright morning sun shining down on him, he opened his eyes slowly, after continually rubbing his now sore face, to see the largest, most glorious ship he’d ever seen. The main working of the ship was wood, the railings, the sail stocks, the wheel. It was easily the size of a 2-story building, and as wide as 2 or three Limo’s (What, how else would you describe it?!). The wood working was finely crafted, bits of gold, and silver platings linning the edges of railings, and planks. The ship must’ve been run on a way other than conventional man power, because there were no huge oars, with monkey’s or men pushing them like you see in the movies. ‘So much for being Jack Sparrow Jr.’ Aj thought to himself with a very hefty sigh. On the front of the ship, was the head of a…dragon? Well, whatever it was, it was metal, and shiny, and for a kid with ADHD, that made it the epicest of the epic.

So it was fly.

Aj stared on in awe still, just taking in every part of the huge vessal, when a boy that looked about the age of 17 walked towards them, followed by a girl, and another boy. The first boy had dark curly hair, and tan skin that was dusted with greese, or something of the substance. The girl was very pretty, also looking about 16 or 17, with Brownish, red hair tied back in a braid, her looks having been amazing if Aj hadn’t met Caly. The 2nd boy was tall, and buff, with slightly spiked blonde hair, and dark eyes, also looking about the age of 17 as well.

“Annabeth! Percy! Whats up guys!” The curly haired kid said with a huge, cheesy grin, that instantly reminded Aj of Derek.

“Nothing much Leo!” Percy answered, with a grin equally as big. Annabeth waved at Leo, and Leo waved back.

“Seen Thalia around?” Annabeth asked him. Leo’s expression seemed to sadden slightly, and he shook his head.

“Nah. Wish I could say I had.” Upon hearing the name, the boys eyes seemed to turn…dreamy? Aj wondered what that was about, but decided to ask later.

Percy turned towards them. “Guys, this is Leo, Jason, and Piper. They're gonna be working on deck for us, by the way.” Percy said with a huge grin. Aj made and ‘O’ shape with his mouth, and nodded.

“You guys rescued Percy!” Aj said, with a grin. 

They nodded, and shrugged.

His brother grimaced at the word 'rescued' "And I did a fair-share of the "rescueing" myself." Percy grinned and raised an eyebrow, "So let's get moving."

“Just in a days work.” Leo said totally ignoring Percy, flexing jokingly.

Everyone laughed, and piper wacked Leo swiftly over the head, causing him to wince, but never causing his grin to falter even once.

"By the way, Frank and Hazel are going with Jacov to look over some place near Rome. We'll probably run into them, if we're lucky." Annabeth added in as she strutted ahead, to Percy.

Aj nodded and frowned, wondering who Frank and Hazel might be, but he shook hands with the others, introduced himself, and smiled as the group was lead aboard.

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