Camp Halfblood Heros ~Fanfiction~ Chapter 64

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Caly's POV

Caly's smile disappeared along with the rainbow, as they continued to travel behind the mountains. She really had wanted Jacov to come along, not because she was selfish or anything, but because she knew that he had potential. And for some reason she knew he was somehow involved in the quest.

'If Andria snuck on, why didn't he?' she mentally thought as the others went back to their duties.

Leo was still at the steering wheel, manually guiding the ship on course and Derek was playing with his new spear that his dad had just given him. Annabeth and was talking to Andria about something serious it seems, on the far side of the ship, and Percy was still holding onto dear life right beside her. He was a hero but he was definitely never gonna get used to Air travel.

Caly's eyes scanned the rest of the Argo III and saw that Piper was talking to Aj. She raised a brow and folded her arms across her chest, debating whether or not to go over there, but a hand placed on her shoulders stopped her train of thought.

"Don't worry bout it." Jason said coming up next to her. His gaze was set upon Piper, with her long braided hair blowing in the wind, her flawless laugh coming out to sound like well...the goddess of beauty herself. Once again...Caly was jealous. She had never been considered pretty.

Caly poked him in the arm to get him back on track, and he turned his head to look at her as if he was just realizing she was there the entire time. Typical'. "Oh sorry." He cleared his throat. "And yeah don't worry about it. Piper can talk to anybody and make them feel better." And with a shrug, Jason seperated towards the weapon room, claiming he needed to see what else they could use for the rest of their journey. Pretty lame excuse if ya ask me, Caly thought to herself even though a smile and nod was laid out for Jason to see.

Turning her attention back to Aj, she noticed that he was gone and Piper was making her way back onto the bottom deck. "He went to take a nap." Piper said, as if she sensed Caly's anxiety. Please. Anxiety? She was the daughter of the goddess of MAIDENS here. Having anxiety because of a male was an understatement. And boy, was she overjoyed. Caly rolled her eyes and shook her head at her own thoughts, causing piper to give her a weird look. Gods, she needs to stop doing that.

"Sorry haha, mental battle again." She muttered towards the end. Piper nodded as though she understood exactly what she meant, and walked past Caly towards the weapon room where Jason was in. And then there was one. Her hands went to her pockets unconsciously, as she walks on towards the bow. She stops for a second, feeling a sharp, irony object in her hands.

Wait. Make that two sharp, small, objects.

Caly pulled them out to examine her find. There, in her hands were two arrowheads. One was gold and the other was silver. She blinked back a surprised, but then remembered her encounter with her mom the other night. Her fists clenched together and they went up high, wanting to throw the stupid arrowheads into the ocean but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

"Mom...why" She groaned quietly to herself as she reopened her palms.

'Use them at the right times.' something in the back of her mind, whispered. But she recognized that voice. 'at the right times' it rang again in her head, over and over. Caly looked up at the sky, seeing how foggy it suddenly became and made her decision.

"LAND-HO!" Leo yelled across the ship. Andria and Annabeth turned their attention towards him, and Derek was just sitting on the ground as if he had expected Leo to make an announcement. Jason and Piper came up from the bottom deck together, and Aj was still nowhere in sight. Caly shoved the arrowheads into her pocket again, and she wasn't going to tell anybody about it. Not till the time's right at least.

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