Chapter eight. Almost out.

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Charging through the doors, we silently,but ruthlessly tore through a unfortunate group of zombies, who had meandered in front of the teachers lounge. After reaching the main stairway, we hustled down, keeping our weapons away from the railing to reduce noise. We had made it not two flights, when suddenly, a ear splitting scream echoed in the stairs. "Someone's in trouble!" Rei exclaimed, starting to break our formation. I put my arm up, then looked at Saeko. "Meet me down there." Saeko nodded, then I took off, ax held in what I call the "Knife grip". When I reached the next landing, I was greeted by the sight of three kids, cornered by five zombies. "Get back!" The leading boy yelled, and swung wildly, catching one on the side of the skull. I whistled loudly, causing zombie and human alike to turn towards me. Without hesitation, I slid down the banister, and promptly planted a well timed shoe to the closest zombie. Using the momentum of my kick,I jumped off of the body, and turned, swinging the ax in time to embed the pick end into the temple of the girl who was reaching for me. I heard another snapping noise, so assuming the third one was dead, I released the ax, and grabbed the final zombie, by its shirt. Without missing a beat, I heaved the squirming mass on to the floor. The thing tried to stand, but was quickly dispatched by a swift curb stomp. Panting, I noticed how my vision started to blur again, but disappeared quicker than usual. "Who are you?" The girl said, staring at my blood soaked clothes. Pushing my glasses up, I grinned and said,"I'm the kid who just saved your sorry tails." With them recoiling from my comeback, I whistled sharply three times. After a minute of waiting, everyone else slowly descended down. "Damn, Quin. What happened here?" Hirano exclaimed, noticing the corpse I stomped on. Walking over to my ax, I withdrew it smoothly from the skull. "I... kinda got carried away." I said sheepishly. Saeko, smiling, brushed past me to the group. "Are any of you bit?" Still a bit stupid from my comment, it took a second for the question to register. Shaking their heads, they muttered and shuffled their feet. Nodding her satisfaction she turned to me. "We can take them with us. They seem safe." I nodded and turned to the trio. "OK. You guys got two options. One : you stay here and get eaten. Or Two: you come with us to the bus to live. What do you say?" I got the big eye of kids who looked as if I offered them the world on a plate, and all they had to do was run. Taking their silence as a yes, I hurried down, Saeko guarding my side from any surprise attacks. We had reached the final landing before the ground, when I stopped. Once everyone was caught up, I peeked down the stairs. I saw a good portion of the freshman class shambling about, not thinking. "Someone's gotta go down there for the door." Takashi whispered. "I know. That's what I'm thinking about." I could feel everyone's eyes burning on me, but I ignored them, cursing in American, because what I'm gonna do next, might cost me my life. "Sorry guys." I said quietly, and took a step down. I collective breath was taken as I descended, lower and lower until I hit the ground. OK Q. Just get to the door. I thought repeatedly,inching closed to the door that separated us from life. Right before I made it, I bumped right into a huge zombie. Tensing up, I waited. And waited. Did death usually take this freaking long? Skirting around the zombie, I made it to the door, and opened it with a sigh of relief. Turning around, I gave off series of soft taps. After waiting a few minutes, everyone started to creep down. Seeing me,the group started to weave in and out,with Takashi in the lead. For a moment,I thought we would make it. We almost did,if one of the kids from the other group hadn't tripped over a fallen zombie, and dropped his shuffleboard stick he had been carrying. The echo caused everyone to freeze. "EVERYBODY MOVE! NOW!" I roared, quickly bringing my ax up. The group stampeded, pushing me back a bit, but allowing me to be able to shut the door in time, just before the zombie that I ran into rammed its face into the glass. "Ah, nuts." I muttered in English, before following the group, hoping against hope that we could make it without losing anybody. I had almost caught up with the others, who had made it halfway to the buses. Rei looked back and saw me. When she started to slow, I shook my head and yelled, "Keep going! Get that thing running!" Rei looked as if she didn't hear me, but then shook her head, and took off. Once she was safe, I lifted up my ax,vision blurring. "Ah, freak. You know what,screw it." Bringing the blade down,the crunch of the bones sent a rush of energy through me. I don't remember what happened after,but somehow, I really reached the bus unscathed just as the bus turned over,and roared to life. "Come on! Takagi yelled,reaching for me.I grabbed her hand,and was hauled aboard. Panting,I rose to my feet and did a head count. I noticed we had lost the trio we had picked up before. "The guy with the bat got grabbed," Takagi explained, head hung low. "His friends went back to save him... they didn't make it." Shaking my head, I turned around to tell Ms.Shizuka to get moving, when I heard yelling and saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Turning towards the motion, I looked out the door, and was confronted by one of my biggest choices in my life.

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