Chapter 24. Home Stretch.

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Waking up the next morning, I went through my usual routine since Z-Day. After checking everything, I stepped outside, and was greeted by five zombies, standing at the gateway. Hands instinctively going to the sword at my side, I froze. Chuckling at my reaction, I dropped my hands, and reached for the Markov instead. Drawing the gun out quickly, I dispatched four of the five, resting my sights on the fifth, a woman that looked in her early twenties. She was wearing a martial artist gi, which was all torn up. Shaking my head, I holstered my gun. "You deserve the honorable death every fighter deserves." I said, slipping on my sunglasses. Rushing at the zombie, I duck under it's lunging grab, slipping my hands around her waist. Locking my grip around her, I lifted her up and over the top of my head, bring her down on top of the first stair, killing her quickly with a audible SNAP. Releasing the body, I rolled backwards down the stairs, stopping at the bottom dazed, but virtually unhurt. Rising to my feet, I sprinted towards the street, barging past any undead in my way. Reaching the street, I turned right, running in then direction of where I was going before. After losing the corpses, I noticed that I was by the bike shop that I broke into. Pressing onwards, I arrived at the Humvee. Approaching it carefully, I peeked inside. Seeing nothing but a piece of paper, I relaxed. Reaching for the paper, I saw it was a note from Katya.

We got rescued by, surprisingly enough, Takagi's mom. We managed to grab our gear and get out before any stragglers got us. Alice says hi.
P.s. Saeko is pissed at you. Again.

Shaking my head, I stuck the note in my jacket, and headed up. For a good block everything seemed nice. As I passed a old sushi bar, a zombie lunged at me from out of nowhere, causing me to stumble back and badly slice my right side on a sharp piece of rebar. Bleeding profusely, I limped away, groaning. As I made my trek further,I attracted more of the bastards. By the time I saw the house, I had at least 20 of the stubborn things on my trail. Pushing myself for the final stretch, I saw two people up ahead with automatic rifles in hand. Shouting and waving, I stumbled my way to them, hearing them shout back. Rolling behind them, I heard them lay into the herd. Panting, I saw my vision tinging black. "Takagi's'... group." I gasped before passing out, plummeting fast into its familiar depths.

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