Chapter 11. The choice

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Slowly entering the bus, I walked past Ms.Shizuka, and stopped in the middle of the aisle. "Shut the door. NOW." I growled, eyes never leaving Koichi's' slightly pained face. Hearing the hiss of the doors, I stalked down the aisle, slowly approaching the back of the bus. "Drive." Feeling the bus jerking into motion, I stopped halfway in the aisle, and planted my feet. "LET ME GET ONE GOD DAMN THING STRAIGHT!" I roared, feeling that sweet surge of rage I had thought I lost so long ago. "If I'm going to be on this bus," I lowered my voice, "Then we are doing it MY WAY. Not your way." I said, leveling a finger at Koichi. "Got it?" Koichi looked mad enough to chew on nails and spit out staples. When he made to rise up, I took a step forwards, striking his chest with a heavy palm and sending him crashing back into his seat. I stood over him, tightening my body for any resistance. "Are. We. Clear?" Mr.Koichi stared at me for a solid minute, before looking away. "Good. When your ready to talk more reasonably,like the rest of us, then you have my permission to do so. Until then, keep your bottom feeding mouth shut, before I throw you to the dead." Turning briskly on my heel, I made my way up to my original seat, and crashed next to Saeko, who was suppressing a smile. "Well... Way to establish order." Takagi said, turning around in her seat. "He's lucky I didn't beat his ass." I growled, eyes staring right through Takagi. Hirano turned around, nail gun dangling loosely in one hand. "Dude. You just put a teacher in timeout!" The four of us stared at each other, then we burst into a uproar of laughter. This went on for a while, until we slowly died down, Takagi and Hirano focusing their attention on Katya, who sat right across from them. Watching them try to make conversation started to make me laugh again, until I felt Saeko's arm rest on mine, causing me to jump. "I remember this mark." She said, tracing a scar on my arm. "It was your first fight against me. No matter how many times you got smacked around, you were so stubborn that you kept going." I smiled, then quickly wiped it from my face. "Yea. I remember. Its getting late. We should get some rest." I pulled my arm away from her, trying not to let her see my face. I turned in my seat, and stared out the opposite window. Hearing her sigh, I felt the seat shift as she got comfortable for the night. Listening to her breathing change, I started to nod off, eventually slipping into the darkness of sleep.

(Eight hours later, around 1600{ about Five p.m.}

Waking up, I felt the familiar weight of Saeko on my arm. Sighing, I nudged Saeko ,squinting against the late afternoon light. As she woke up, I couldn't help noticing how she looked, even though it when half awake. Easing her off of me, I stood up in the aisle, stretching. I heard Koichi murmuring to his group, sounding like a psychotic pastor.
"Crazy bastard.". I muttered, and made my way to the front. Noticing the traffic around us, I leaned forwards to check on Ms.Shizuka. Seeing her sitting up,wide awake, that gave me hope, then the determination to do what had to be done. Motioning Takagi, Hirano, and Katya to the front, I leaned in to whisper. "We gotta get out of here. The way this looks, if Koichi grew a pair of balls, he's gonna push his numbers advantage." "He's right." Saeko said, scaring the hell out of me. "If we stay here, were sitting ducks as well for looters." "But what about meeting the others on the bridge?" Ms.Shizuka asked, a worried expression crossing her face. "We'll be fine." I assured her. Mr.Koichi turned around and saw our huddle. "Well,are you all discussing joining us after all?" He purred in that sickening voice. With a flick of her hand, Takagi dismissed his question and replied,"Thanks, but no thanks. I think we'll walk from here." Koichi chuckled, then pressed his fingertips together to make a pyramid of fingers. "Very well. If you must go, then by all means, go. Just one thing." Koichi licked his lips, as if savoring the thought. "Well, let's say two. The nurse will need to stay here, as well as Ms.Rivera." He took a step forwards and laid a hand on Katya's shoulder. "Come on. Stay with us." Snatching his hand off of her, Katya reared back, and threw a tremendous right straight punch into his solar plexus. "Don't you ever fucking touch me, you sick bastard!" She screamed, and moved away from him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hirano lift his make shift gun to his shoulder, but I waved it down before he could get a bead on Koichi. Coughing, Koichi glared at Katya with so much hate, she backed up right into Saeko. "You little bitch!" He roared, rearing his hand back for a punch to her face. As the fist was halfway to its intended target, I stepped into its path, and grabbed it, stopping its flight. With that sweet thrill of rage and power surging yet again, I pulled him in, only to send Koichi reeling from a headbutt to his nose. While he felt his nose, I grabbed his suit, and hauled him up to my eye level. "We are leaving. The world is different now. Hirano can make weapons,and i can hit you. You lost your right to boss us around when you abused your power last year." Gasping for air like a fish out of water, Koichi barely managed to squeak out,"Y-you hit me. You made me bleed." Disgusted by his cowardice, I threw him back into his part of the bus. "You guys get your stuff and get out." I said to the others without looking back. "I'll make sure he doesn't interfere." Hearing Saeko laugh, I felt the air rush in, giving us a cool breeze. "Well." Saeko playfully said. "Looks like your finally coming back to us, Quinton. Such a brave man." Waving her off, I grabbed my ax handle and turned to follow Hirano out when a thought struck me. Turning to the back, I raised my handle in a oath. "Shidou Koichi, hear this. If I ever see you again, and you cross me, beware. For the last thing you will ever see, is me as I take my fist to your skull, and boots to your ribs." To add a sort of final touch, I swung the handle into a nearby window, shattering it completely. Turing to leave the bus, I looked up to see Saeko, staring at me.  Or should I say at my shirt. Looking down, I saw that Koichi's blood had dripped onto the front of my tank top. "Just like old times."I muttered, and climbed a set of stairs leading to where Saeko stood waiting for me. When I reached the top, I saw the bridge in the distance. "Well.... Let's go!" I said, walking to where our destination awaited us.

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