Chapter 21. The Other side.

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I don't remember the rest of the night, but I remember having to remove my tank top and putting it on the Humvee's antenna. Waking up inside the Humvee, I faintly heard Hirano and Alice singing up top. Looking around, I saw Takagi standing up, upper part of her body outside the roof hatch. I also saw Ms.Shizuka focusing on driving, with Katya trying to lighten her mood, even though I could tell she was doing it more for herself than Ms.Shizuka. Looking to my right, I saw Takashi and Rei sleeping, Rei's head on Takashi's shoulder. I felt the familiar pressure that was Saeko leaning against me. Turning to look at Saeko,I brushed a loose hair off of her face, and smiled. Easing her off of me, I squeezed by Takagi, and onto the top of the car. The shocking thing I noticed is that we were in a river, but I took it in stride, using the circumstances to lighten the mood. "See any land, Ye' land lubbers?" I said in a pirate voice, making Alice giggle. Hirano nodded. "Shouldn't be too long. We can stop there." Nodding my head myself, I crawled across the roof to the antenna, checking on my tank top. Seeing it was surprisingly clean. I untied it, and skilled it back on. Squeezing in the vehicle's interior, I carefully placed my jacked over Saeko, then turned to the front. "How are you two holding up?" I asked,popping my head between them. Ms.Shizuka gave a short "Fine." and kept "driving".  Turning my attention to Katya, I repeated my question. "Oh, I'm fine. The question is: are you OK? Saeko was pretty worried last night." Failing to conceal a grin, I shook my head. "It seems like you and Saeko had a girl talk." She nodded, grinning right back at me. "Yup. But I'm not saying what was said. Although I can say that you two would have a nice name if put together." Raising my eyebrow, I remained silent, waiting. Seeing my amused expression, Katya couldn't help laughing. "Its Saequin. Its kinda catchy, no?" Chuckling, I had to agree.  Before I could open my mouth to reply, the vehicle made a loud THUD. Looking up out the window, I saw we had landed on a embankment. "Finally." I said. "Land." Climbing out, I jumped off the top of the Humvee and searched the area for the undead. Sending none, I motioned for everyone out. When everyone was out, I noticed Saeko was still inside. Climbing back in, I saw that she had just started to wake up. "Wakey, wakey. Time to get up." Saeko looked at me groggily, then looked at my jacket draped on her. "Everyone's outside. I'll meet you out." Turning and jumping back off. I moved to the front of the vehicle , when I saw the girls go around the other way to the back, a pile of clothes in their arms. Moving up front, I met with the guys. "Girls are changing around back." Hirano said, grinning. Ears burning, I whacked him upside his head. "So.... what's the plan now?" I asked Takashi. "Takagi's house is about a few miles from here." He said. "We should be able to make it by sundown if we move out." Nodding in agreement, I turned back to Hirano. "You got my shotgun?" He nodded, tossing me the gun. "She's fully loaded." Grinning, I slung my gun back over my shoulder. "So..." Hirano started. "Do you wanna-" "I swear on the name of all things good, I will beat the ever living hell out of you." I warned, holding up a fist. Hirano paled as Takashi laughed. "Okay. We're ready to go!" Rei called out. "Good. I'll go scout ahead." I said, starting up the incline in front of me. After climbing up, I managed to reach the street. Checking both ways, I waved at everyone. The Humvee roared to life, and zoomed up the incline, launching itself into the air directly over me. "Oh, crap!" I shouted as I  rolled to the side. The 3-ton vehicle crashed down where I was moment before, and bounced on its suspension. Grumbling, I claimed on the back, and we drove off towards the center of town.

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