Chapter 32. Gift Ceremony.

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Walking through the mansion's winding corridors,I felt like I could get lost in a place like this. "So... Do you think you could mention Hirano to The Don? He seemed insistent on that." Katya said, flicking a stray strand of bright pink hair out of her face. "Why not? What is the reason?"  Katya looked at me with a face that said "what, are you serious?". "Just ask. The Don can pick up hints pretty well." Shrugging my shoulders,I noticed we came to a stop outside a door with candles outside of it.  "Shoes off, and leave your gun in the right shoe." Katya monotoned, sounding like a rehearsed tape recording. Doing so, I opened the door to see Saeko kneeling across from Don Takagi, a ordinate katana across his lap. Entering the room, I bowed to both Saeko and The Don, recognizing a ceremony when I see one. Receiving bows in return, I sat in the cross legged position like The Don. "Now you both may be wondering why I called you here. Well, I have your answer. You both have benefitted us and our well being, these being the Lady Takagi and myself, as well as the others, I wish to give you each a special gift." I opened my mouth to protest, trying to say that it wasn't necessary for him to do that, but I got a stern stare from Saeko. Shutting it, I let him continue. "Saeko. Seeing your skill with the blade made me wish I had given this to you sooner. It is reinforced steel, folded, and sharpened to perfection, I give you my katana." I watched as Saeko took the blade,eyes sparkling. The Don turned towards me. "From the moment I saw you, standing over my men, battered bandaged,and beat up,I knew you had to be a leader. And a good leader does not charge into battle unprepared." Slipping one hand in his jacket, Don Takagi pulled out a service pistol, a 38 caliber snub nosed revolver. "If ever caught in a tight spot, this is your strength, your lifeline, and your way out, if push comes to shove." Lightning struck as he was handing me the gun. He sat back, his face unreadable. My lips felt numb, I was shocked to the core by his decision. "Thank you sir." I mumbled out. "If there is one thing I could ask you though." The Don nodded, waiting to hear me. "What is your opinion on Hirano, the boy with all the guns." Don Takagi laughed a rich booming laugh. "You said he was the one who protected my daughter. Correct?" I nodded, feeling brave. "Well I can say this... He is a good man. He reminds me of you in a slightly less psychotic way." Laughing weakly at the Don joke, we rose, thanking him for his generosity. When we left the room, I looked at a clock on a nearby wall. "Jeez. Its 11:30. We should rest." I said, turning to meet Saeko. I saw Saeko staring down,looking shy. "What's up, Saeko? You OK?" She looked up at me,and shook her head."I can't stop thinking about this afternoon... with you beating Shidou down. I can't shake this feeling he's still here. Mocking you." Shivering, I stepped closer. "He really is gone, Saeko. Just try to sleep it off." She shook her head. "I don't want to sleep alone. Could I sleep with you, just for tonight?" Sure my face was beet red, I nodded, not trusting my mouth. Walking with Saeko, I noticed that part of her kimono was undone, giving me a welcome view, but unwelcome as well. Snapping my eyes to the front, I opened my door to my room, allowing us to enter. Saeko immediately crashed onto the bed, slipping herself under the covers. I kinda tucked myself into the side, trying not to touch Saeko. Rolling over to my left side, I slowly closed my eyes,drifting off to the sound of thunder and Saeko's breathing.

2:30 A.M.

"Psst. Quinton. Psst. Quinton!" A little voice whispered. Waking halfway up, I saw Alice and Zeke in front of me. "The lightning scared me..could we sleep with you?" Zeke let out a small yelp, licking my face one time. "Sure. Just don't wake Saeko. OK?" Alice nodded, and climbed over me, slipping herself between me and Saeko, with Zeke at our feet. "Good night, little one."I mumbled, already falling back asleep.

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