Chapter 15. Wake up call.

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Reaching into the hole, I felt a cold, metal object against my hand. Grabbing it, I pulled it out, surprised to find a Makarov hiding him her desk. "Who are you?" I mused, turning the gun over. Before I could check for ammo, I heard Takashi yell my name. Sticking the gun in my front right pocket, I rushed down the hallway, entering the bedroom to see Hirano dancing around, a maniacal glint in his eye. "Dude. Who ever owned this place, they loved their firearms." Takashi remarked, pulling out a huge pump action shotgun. "Here. Hirano says this is like what you Americans used back in Vietnam." He tossed it lightly, where I then caught it and tested its weight. "Kick is gonna be a bitch, but I know this: these babies have enough power to stop a bull elephant." Laying the gun down for later, I walked over to the larger of the cabinets. When I peered inside, I couldn't help grinning like Hirano. "Oh. You found those."Takashi said with distaste. "No one in our group would fit in those." Pulling out the black jacket, I ran my hands over the elbows, where strong pads lay. Laying the jacket on the bed, I turned my attention to the real reason I was so happy. A pair of charcoal black jeans with pads on the knees hung above a pair of lightweight steel toe boots. On the shelf above the hangers, I saw the ammo for the Makarov, as well as some nice gloves. "This will do just fine." I gleefully said. Snatching everything I found in the cabinet, I ran down into the library. Putting on the jacket felt strange, like putting on a stiff suit. But when I put my jeans on, it felt like silk. "Kevlar." I uttered aloud. Why would someone have a Kevlar jacket in a metal cabinet? Looking at the boots, I saw that they were about my size. Pitting them on, it felt like they were used before. Turning my attention to the pistol, I undid the magazine catch, and saw that it was at full capacity. "Jesus." I remarked, slipping the magazine back and putting the gun down. As I reached for the shotgun, a gunshot rang out from outside. Rushing back to the bedroom again, I burst in to see Hirano toying with a rifle, and Takashi on a balcony, with binoculars to his eyes. "What was that?" I asked, riled up. "Sounds like the police are having target practice." Takashi remarked coolly, never moving a inch.. The room was silent as that hung in the air. "Takashi. Your not really saying that the police are.... Killing innocent people?" Takashi nodded, walking inside. "With things the way they are, anything goes for people in authority. Even teachers." Takashi added, looking directly at me. Feeling like the wind was knocked out of me by a semi truck, I flopped next to Hirano, head hung down. Takashi sat right next to me, and lightly punched my arm. "Come on. Don't start thinking about that slime ball. Way that I see it, he's probably dead." Looking at Takashi sideways, I thought about it. "More likely than not. But the way he was going when we left, he probably is still alive." I sat up,suddenly struck by a thought. "But he has no weapons! He's as good as dead!" Hirano and Takashi looked at each other. "Do you Americans always hold conversations by yourselves?" Hirano asked, smiling. I merely shrugged. "Only on days that end in y." We howled with laughter, almost moved to tears as we laughed, holding our ribs. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder from the bed. Laughter cut short, I lunged forwards, diving away from the bed. Turning around, I saw it was Ms.Shizuka, wrapped up in a towel. "Ummmm.... you guys handle this." I quickly spit out, rushing out, and down the stairs.

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