Party Time

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Bradey's P.O.V

Right now we are partying with Bobby and David. It's so much fun. By now all of us are flat out drunk. So is Thomas, and David. Bobby was drinking responsibly. Buzz kill. While I was drunk i saw a girl that looked like my old bully Rachel. Dang she looks hot now. I wonder if she still hangs with Bridget and Drew. "Rachel how are you?"

"Oh my god Bradey is that you?" She asked.

"Yeah. It's me." I slurred.

"Oh my god your drunk dude."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"I am not." I pouted.

"Come on I'll take you to your hotel room."

"Thanks." I slurred yet again. Then Rachel helped me to mine and Thomas's hotel room. Tomorrow were going to stay at his place but since we were partying we are staying at a hotel.

Once we were to the room I somehow unlocked the door. I don't know how but I did. I'm really drunk right now. When we were in the room I got a skype call. Who could be calling right now? I saw the computer screen it was blurry but I made out that it said mum. Oh its mama calling me for a Skype session. How nice. Wait a minute I can't answer that. She will see the piercing an know that I was drinking. So I answered the call. "Hey mom hold on a minute." I said going into the bathroom. Rachel did stay to make sure I stayed in here. How sweet right? Or is she trapping me. Oh whatever. When i got into the bathroom I splashed cold water on my face it felt nice. Especially on my piercing. Although it stung a bit. But whatever. Now I have to deal with the piercing. Oh i got it we have these fake mustaches ad beards. I will wear them to cover the ring. That should work right? And I put a hoodie on to cover the tattoo.

Okay now I'm heading back to the laptop. "Sorry about that mom." They just laughed. It isn't funny.

"What are you wearing?" Perrie asked in between laughs.

"Oh Thomas and I had a bet to see who can wear these mustaches and beards longer. So far I am winning."

"Speaking of Thomas where is he?" Jesy asked. Aww she misses Thomas. How cute.

"He is with David and Bobby. They are getting drinks. So I decided to chill out with my bestie Rachel."

"So Brado what did ya do today?" Perrie asked.

"When to visit L.A. ink to meet Kat Von Dee. It was pretty sweet. David and I wrestled a bit after i called mom this morning."

"Interesting. Did anybody get a tattoo?" Leigh Anne asked. Shit do they know something?

"Yes David got one." I lied. "Well I should get to bed it's getting late over here."

"Night Bradey." Perrie, Jesy, Leigh Anne, and Carter said all at the same time.

"Love you Bradey talk to you soon."

"Love you guys too. Bye." Then I ended the call.

"Did David really get a tattoo?" Rachel asked.

"No I did."

"Why did you lie to your mum then?"

"Because she would kill me for it. And getting the piercing."

"Then why did you do it?"

"Because I felt like it."

"You are turning into a Drew."

"Excuse me?"

"Well all of Drew's problems began with a piercing and a tattoo."

"Just because Drew got screwed up doesn't mean I will. I have a good family now."

"Even so Bradey. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."



"What ever happened to Bridget?"

"She married Drew and they had a wedding in they're jail cell."

"Wow." That was a shock that those two got married. But I wasn't surprised that they went to jail.

"So I'm guessing that you aren't friends with Bridget anymore huh?"

"No after I left the orphanage I changed who I was. I grew up."

"When did you leave?"

"A week after you."

"That's cool."

"Well I should get going. It was nice talking to you Bradey."

"Okay, see ya around."

"Oh you'll see me at your concert tomorrow night. I got back stage passed."

"Sweet. See you then." I smiled as she left.

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