Keeping up with the Thirlwall's

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Jade's P.O.V

While Bradey was out visiting Sam at the hospital Garret came over. So he and I can have a mature discussion about our relationship and where we would like to take it to. I would love to have had that chat with Garret while Bradey was here but with the way Bradey has been acting lately it needed to happen with Bradey outside of the house. Just so I won't have to ground him for a longer period of time.

"So Jade what did you want to talk about with me again?" Garret asked with his huskey voice ringing through out my ears.

"About us. We never really talked about what we are. An when ever we have the chance Bradey gets in the way."

"Right. So do you want us to be an item?"

"Do you?"

"Of coarse I do. You're such a sweet and caring man. Any girl would be lucky to be with you."

"So that makes you the lucky girl then?" Garret asked with a reward winning smile. 

"Am I that lucky girl?" I asked. 

"You sure are Jade." 


"Ha yeah." He smiled yet again. Why does he do that to me? There must be something about that boy that just makes me fall for him.

"So am I ever going to meet Charles and Zac?" 

"Charles I'm sure would be delited to meet you. But as for Zac hasn't talked to me since he left to chance the unreal dream of music." 

"You know music is a good way to express yourself."

"How so? All that happens is you sing and travel." 

"Actually it's not just that Garret. The girls and I have saved lives just by writing and or singing songs and traveling. It just feels good knowing that you are doing right just by being who you are basically. I mean that's all the girls, Bradey, and I do. We just rock who we are. Cause we are who we are." 

"Yeah but what about the hate?" 

"People get hate either way famous or not. We just have to deal with it. You only hear more of hate with famous people because well they are famous. But the same exact thing happens to people that are not so famous, just normal people Garret." 

"Yeah but." 

"Garret." I groaned with a small chuckle.

"Alright, alright." Then he leaned in an kissed me. It felt so amazing. I kissed back. As we continued to make out with our tongues wrestling with one another we got a little rough. I pinned Garret on the couch as we were kissing but soon he got me on the bottom. He works fast. 

But soon out make out session came to a end as my cell phone began to blare cause of my phone ringing indicating that I am getting a text message. 

"Who texted?" Garret asked. 

"Oh it was Bradey."

"What does he need?" 

"He wants us to meet him at Nandos." 

"What for? Is he alright?" 

"Garret I honestly think that Bradey is ready to give you a chance. Which is what we need if we want to work." 

"But babe I don't care what he thinks of us together. All I care about with what you think of us together." 

"Well Bradey is my son. And I happen to care about his opinion." 

"Yeah I see how that went the first time with Sam."


"Didn't you have Sam win over Bradey's trust so you and Sam could be together?" 

"That's bullshit Garret. And no it's not true. Now lets go to Nandos." 

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