Calm Down

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Jade's P.O.V

We just got back to the house, and Jesy was right Sam did leave. All of his things where mostly gone. This hurts. It feels like if someone would just take my heart out and stomp on it everything would hurt a little less than it does now. I knew our fight was bad but I didn't think it was this bad. Like where is the make up sex. "Okay Bradey bring your sister up to her room and play with her." I told Bradey.

"But Carter is sleeping mom."

"Right then lay her in her bed, then go hang out in the gaming room."

"Wait is there something wrong with dad?"

"No, just go do something. So I can talk to Jesy alone please."

"But mom."

"No buts. Now go to another room."

"But mom. Your hurting."

"I will be fine Bradey. Please I need to talk with Jesy alone."

"Dad left didn't he?"

"No he." Jesy started to speak but I cut her off.

"Yes he did." I said finally letting tears free fall. "But just stay calm. He was just angry."

"But he left us mom. That son of a bitch doesn't deserve us anymore. I mean look at what he did."

"He is your father Bradey."

"No he isn't. If I don't know who he is anymore then he doesn't deserve to be my dad anymore."

"Bradey Nicholas calm down."

"How can I calm down mom. He fucking hurt you."

"People were not made to last forever together."

"But it's jam that we are talking about. Jam was meant to be."

"I guess not Bradey."

"Why does everyone i give a shit about always fucking leave? Especially like that." Hearing Bradey say those things really makes it feel like my heart is breaking. This is the second time that this has happened in his life time. First time it was with Jayk. Now Sam.

"Everything will be just fine bud."

"No it won't mom. Sam left now things are gonna start changing. As if my depression wasn't enough. this is just the tip of the iceberg."

"Everything happens for a reason Bradey."

"Yeah whatever. I just want to be alone right now." He sighed.

Bradey's P.O.V

I can't believe that Sam left us like that. This really pisses me off. I'm gonna find that son of a bitch. So I can tell him what a idiot he is being.

So now I am in the backyard by my boxing my boxing dummy. Seriously I need to be alone before I end up hurting someone.

"Bradey." Someone said from behind me. It was quite faint like a ghost. But it was no ghost. It was her. Her. The one I love.


"Your alive." 

"Yeah no thanks to you." 

"Hey I saved your life basically. I called your mum about it the day you tried to commit suicide."

"Why did couldn't you have let me die?"

"Because I love you Bradey Nicholas Thirlwall. I love you more than I love myself. Me without you is like the earth without a sun. We just make sense."

"What ever happened to you not being able to trust me again." 

"I miss you. I miss your hugs, kisses. But most importantly I miss you."

"I miss you to. But I can't fall again." 

"What do you mean again?" 

"I just don't want to get hurt again."

"But it's me Reilly."

"I know that Reilly. But I just can't. Not again. I lost all hope in love."

"Why what happened?" 

"Sam left us."


"Yeah he left. He gave up on me, mama Thirlwall, and Carter. It's pretty shitty if you ask me."

"Just relax. Do you wanna talk about it?" 

"No not really. I'm just so done with everything right now."

"No your not Bradey."

"Yes I am."

"Please don't talk like that."

"But it's true. My life is so fucked up." 

"Then if you check out then I will too." 

"What no."

"Then don't check out Bradey. Things wouldn't be the same without you."

"But I think that it's for the best."

"For who Bradey? It would just hurt all of the people that love you more than it would hurt you."

"Yeah so say if it did. What would you end up doing if I did check out." 

"Not much because I would check out too. Only to be closer to you."

"You can't check out just because of me Reilly." 

"But I would. There is no life without you Bradey."

"Sure there is."

"No not for me Bradey. You are my entire world." That's when I knew that she was serious with her heart aching words. Then I knew at that very second I had to so what I have been waiting to do ever since Reilly and I broke up. I kissed her. 

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