California Bound

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Thomas's P.O.V

We just got to California. Bradey was asleep for the whole ride. Well he needed it. I mean he did get a small hole in his lip a while ago. I still can't believe he actualy did that. Let's see if he goes through with the tattoo.

"Hey Thomas are we gonna see David and Bobby tonight?"

"Hell yeah. They set up a welcome party for the two of us. Which means booze and a late night for us."


"Oh you better call your mum to let her know that we landed alright."

"But isn't it late in London?"

"Your her child though."

"Legally yes."

"Just shut up and call your mum while I call David."

"Goodness you are bossy today." Bradey stifled a laugh.

Bradey's P.O.V

I did as Thomas told me. I pulled out my iphone an scrolled through the long list of contacts. One of my contacts is Justin Bieber. We don't talk much though cause he is always so busy. But eventually I got to mum's number and I called it. After 4 rings it was answered.

"Bradey is everything alright?" Mama asked.

"Yeah Thomas wanted me to call and tell you that we are in California right now."

"Oh alright. Why do you sound like you are in pain?"

"Oh we were playing leap frog off the plane you know because we were last off the plane an my foot hit the entry door of the plane." i lied she can't know that I have a ring where my lip should be at.

"Well okay. We miss you already buddy."

"Miss ya two."

"Aww I miss you two Bradey boy." David said taking my phone from my hands.

"Hey give that back David."

"Why is your gurl on the line?"

"No my mother is on the line dumbo."

"Oh that is something I shouldn't interfere with." Daivd said giving me the phone back. By now my face is probably beet red. I can't believe David thought that my mum was my gurl. Ew. Gross. Creepy. And did I say gross.

"Oh really dumbass." i said before putting my ear back on the phone. "Sorry about that. Thomas's friend was just being a loser."

"It's alright bud. I'll talk to you later. Me and the girls are going to the studio to do some writing."

"Again? You go there all the time."

"It's my job bud. You know to keep a roof over our families head."

"I know. Well love you bye."

"Love you too." With that the chat was over.

"I'm gonna kill you David for what you did." I said as I tackled him onto the ground.

"Hey now Bradey settle down."

"Shut up Fiss." I chuckled.

"So Thomas tells us that you might get some ink work done." Bobby said.


"Where at?"

"On my forearm."

"Why there?" David asked mocking my english voice that i had licked up while in London.

"Fuck off dude."

"Hey." Thomas said sternly. Gosh what did my parents say to him? Or did they say something to him?

"Come on leggo to L.A. ink." Bobby said in a posh accent.

---at the tattoo shop---

Thomas's P.O.V

Bradey is actually going through with this. Sam and Jade maybe even Jesy are gonna kill me for this. But hey it's not my skin though.

I know it seems like I'm really bossy to Bradey. But Jade and Sam told me to give him boundaries. Whatever that means.

"Do Jade and Sam know about this?" Bobby asked me in a hushed tone.

"No way. They would kill Bradey for this. An not just for the piercing."

"So what's the point of this whole thing?"

"Why are you such a downer Bobby?" I laughed.

"What would your girlfriend think of this?"

"I don't know. She may think that I'm a cool and chill guy."

"That's a load of crap and you know it Thomas."

"I know. But we gotta live for today not tomorrow."

Bradey's P.O.V

I just got into the back to get my tattoo. This is so sweet. I loved what I picked out. it's a sweet design tattoo.

--a hour or so later--

That tattoo is finally done. It looks amazing. (I will show it later on cause he has to keep it hidden from Sam and Jade) Now I want to show it off but if I get caught with paps they may broadcast it. I couldn't risk that. Right? Or I could make it sound like it is a fake tattoo. Yeah that's a better idea. "Party time?"

"Party time." David nodded.

---Authors note---

Next chapter is back in london for but the Bradey is still in california. Just doing some things with little mix

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