Moving On

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Jade's P.O.V

I just dropped Bradey off at his addiction class, now I am going to go get ready for my date with a man named Garret Poor. When I first heard of Garret, he seemed like a very nice lad. Garret is a police officer. Honestly I think that is pretty cool. This is my first time meeting him. I hope it all goes good.

--At the date--

So I am meeting Garret at Nandos. You know the one where Bradey was almost kidnapped at? But that was a long time ago.

"Excuse me ma'am I'm looking for a lovely girl named Jade Thirlwall." A husky man voice rang through my ears. He was talking to the hostest

"That's me." I smiled walking up to who must have been Garret.

"Well it's a great pleasure to meet you Miss. Thirlwall." He smiled. Garret was quite the looker. He had a light brown hair with crystal clear blue eyes. Garret had nice muscles as well. They were bigger than Sam's muscles. Not to mention he has a mighty fine tanned body. Oh great now I'm sounding like a love sick teenager. Haha love sick teenager. That's funny. Okay now I really sound like a teenager.

"Oh please call me Jade." I smiled shaking his giant left hand with my small right hand.

"But I was being a gentleman." Garret smiled. Gosh his smile was like looking at a set of diamonds. They shined bright as well. I'm sorry but Garret is hotter than Sam times 100. There is no way that those two could ever compare to one another. "However I will call you Jade." He smiled again. God I can just stare at his smile for ages.

"Sounds like a deal." I smiled back. Then we made our way to our table which was in the back of the joint.

"You know when k asked you to dinner I didn't know that we'd be in the back of the place." Garret chuckled.

"Oh I arranged the seats back here. So no one can disturb us."

"Why would someone disturb us having dinner?" He asked. I know what your thinking. Why doesn't he know about me being in little mix? Well Garret doesn't believe in the multimedia stuff. So I didn't waste my time telling him that. Especially if he hasn't heard of my band.

"You know how teenagers can be Garret."

"Yeah I do." Garret also had a son just a bit older than Bradey. I think his son's name is Zac.

"So tell me about you Garret."

"Well I'm a cop. I have two biological children. Both of them are boys. The oldest is named Charles and the youngest is Zac. But I don't seem em that often. Charles is off in the navy. As for Zac he is chasing some dream that is near impossible to do."

"And what dream is that?"

"Ha he wants to be a musician. Actually the last time I talked to him he told me that he wants to be bigger than one direction and little mix."

Wow Garret's son knows of my band. That is so awesome. And he wants to be a musician. Maybe the girls and I could give him some pointers. "An what was your response to that."

"That I have no clue on who they were. But Zac has always been into that music crap. To me it's just a waste of perfectly good time."

"So you don't approve of Zac's dream?"

"Ha you kidding? Zac has his head so far up his ass that he can't even think straight. That kid is in for a rude awakening, that's for sure."

"Well Garret I'm from that band little mix that your son wants to be bigger than."

"Oh uh this is awkward now."

"Don't worry Garret. You have a right to your own opinion."

"Well i feel bad for saying what I said Jade."

"Don't worry about it. It's alright."

"No it's not alright. You know what I'll be right back." Garret said as he left the table. What the bloody hell is going on? 

Garret's P.O.V (Yay) 

Bloody fucking hell. I screwed up by saying something stupid. So I left to go get her something. On her internet profile it said that she liked biscuits and bows. Now I got a really good idea to help fix this. Honestly I really like her. So therefore I don't want to fuck up. Like I always do. Yes I fuck up a lot. More than I can bare. 

Once I got the biscuits and bows I went back to nandos. Good she is still at the table. But she is texting on her cell phone. Great she is bored. "Hey uh Jade, I got you these to make up for what I said." I smiled handing her the bows and biscuits.

"Biscuits!" She sqeuealed like a 5 year old. It was so adorable. And sexy. Honestly I wouldn't mind getting into her pants, if you know what I mean. 

"Does that make up for what I said." 

"Garret, biscuits always a good way to make up with me from a fight." She laughed eating one of the biscuits.

"That's great to know." I smiled reaching over to her to hold her hand. This is gonna be my last marriage even if it kills me. 

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