Airport Antics

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Thomas's P.O.V

We just got to the airport. it wasn't too far from the concert venue. Which was a good thing. I'm so zonked out. But somehow the teenager isn't. He is all hyped up. "Settle down kid."

"Come on don't be like Tramp in the lady and the tramp: scamps adventure."

"Last I check I am not a dog in a disney movie."

"My point was, don't sleep your life away dude. We could do something immature and crazy."

"Like what?" I questioned raising an eye brow.

"There is a piercing place down the hall." Bradey smirked.

"No I am not getting a piercing."

"Can I get a lip ring for me then?"

"Would your mum approve of this?"


"Then what the heck. And when we get to L.A. on our day off if you want some ink we'll get you inked up."

"At L.A. ink?"

"No at the hardware store. Yes at L.A. ink. Are ya stupid?"

"No I am not stupid."

"Come on lets hurry and get your lip ring."

Bradey's P.O.V

This is it my lip is gonna have a ring in it. I've wanted this for a while but mama Thirlwall doesn't approve. But she isn't here. And se inly told me that I couldn't go bungee jumping. She didn't say anything about me getting a piercing. So it's a win win. Or is it a win lose? Either way I don't care. I'm a rebel. Well I can be a rebel right? I picked out a lip hope type of a thing it was grey. I like that color. I don't know why but I just do.

"Okay you ready for this?" The man with piercing gun asked.

"Bring it on sir." I nodded. That's when the hole was made on my right side of my lower lip. It was painful. But worth it. Then he put the ring in an gave me some stuff to clean it with. I'm gonna be in SO much trouble when I get home.

"How did that feel buddy boy?" Thomas asked me.

"Like a bitch Thomas. Like a bitch."

"The pain will pass."

"It better." I chuckled as i gave the man the money for the piercing. Then our flight got called to board. Perfect timing ay? We got on out plane an set off for L.A. California. This will be a long plane ride. Might as well sleep.

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