Left alone

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Leigh Anne's P.O.V

Jade and Bradey haven't talked since he woke up. Something must of happened. But what? What are we missing here? What went down? "Jade what's going on between you and Bradey?" I asked Jade who was signing his release papers from the hospital.

"I found out some secrets that he has been keeping from Sam and I. So went we get home we're searching his room."

"What did he do?" I asked.

"He drinks."

"What?" That is a huge shock. Bradey didn't strike me as the kind of person to do that sort of thing.

"Yeah he was intoxicated when he tried to commit suicide."

"Oh. Does Thomas know?"

"Hell yeah he knows. He let him drink while he was in his care."

"Should we tell Jesy?"

"No have Bradey tell."

"Are we sending Bradey to rehab then?"

"Bradey did say that he would go if it meant that I wouldn't be mad at him anymore. I'm proud that he knows what he did was wrong. But I'm mad that he turned to drinking to solve his problems."

"I hear ya."

-On the plane to go back to London-

Bradey's P.O.V

Right now we are heading back to London. I miss it there. But I hate that mom knows about the drinking. Now she probably don't trust me. She seems really mad at me still. But I can't tell cuz Perrie is between the both of us. "Mom how much longer until we land?" I asked trying to get a conversation flowing.

"Soon Bradey." Perrie told me. She is not my mom.

"Mama I know your mad but do you really have to give me the silent treatment?" I wait a few moments, no answer. "Mommy please answer Bradey." I pleaded like a 7 year old.

Perrie's P.O.V

Bradey is trying to talk to Jade but she won't respond to him. This seems to be making Bradey sadder than what he was. I know she is pissed but come on the silent treatment. "Jade, Bradey is trying to talk to you." I spoke. That's when Jade got up and walked off.

"Ugh. Does she hate me aunt Perrie?" Bradey asked me.

"No she doesn't hate you Bradey. She hasn't slept much lately. So she is probably really tired."

"Can you talk to her Perro?" He begged.

"I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you Perro." I nodded and went to find Jade. She was crying her little eyes out once I got to her.

"Jade what's wrong?"

"Where did I go wrong with Bradey?" She asked in between breathes.


"Where did I go wrong? I must of screwed up somewhere to get Bradey to the point were he was at."

"Maybe that's the thing. You didn't instill to Bradey that he can come to you."

"He said that were always busy. Sam and I."

"Well what did you say to that remark?"

"That Sam and I are never too busy for him or Carter."

"Spend some time with him. One on one time. Don't be the parent. Be the friend. That's what he needs most. You don't just shut him out into the cold. That's not the Jade Amelia Craske Thirlwall that I know."

"I know Pezz. It's hard to know that Bradey did that to himself. Just imagine how Sam is gonna react."

"You haven't told him yet?"

"No I didn't. Well only because I think that Bradey should tell Sam instead of me."

"Oh okay."

Leigh Anne's P.O.V

Jesy and I went to go check on Bradey. He was looking out the window. An it looked like he was crying. "Bradey?"

"What, I'm not in the mood to talk."

"Please don't cry. Jade is just hurting over what has happened the past few weeks."

"She's acting like I'm just another face. It's like she doesn't even know who I am anymore."

"That's not true. Jade loves you." Jesy cooed to the broken teenage boy.

"No she did love me."

"Things will get better we promise." I said.

"You know I wish I could believe that Leigh Anne. Cause as of right now that doesn't seem to be happening." He frowned. No this can't end like that. No. Bradey is loved and will always be loved by Little Mix. But why did i have to turn out like this? What did we do that was so bad to have this happen? I mean we almost lost Bradey from a attempted suicide. That doesn't feel to nice to know that.

Bradey's P.O.V

I was thinking about moving out since mom can barely look at me. But I don't know. I like living there but it would be hard knowing that Mama Thirlwall can barely look at me. An now Aunt Leigh Anne and Jesy are telling me that she is hurting. Well she isn't hurting as much as me. I'm just fighting to find my way again. It's the same battle for me. Even though I got a new family when I was seven it didn't stop all of the pain that I still have from before I got adopted. That pain won't ever leave me. And it doesn't help when people keep badgering me like they do. It hurts.

"Please don't be sad Bradey." Aunt Jesy pleaded.

"I'm not sad. I'm depressed." I sighed. "Can I be alone for a bit please? I don't wanna talk anymore."

"Alright. See you when we land in a bit. Jesy nodded and walked away with Leigh Anne tagging along.

After a few minutes mom was back with Perrie. I saw staring out the window and tapping the thick glass. I'm so bored right now.

"Bud I'm sorry I was being a bit rude." Mom said to me. I just shrugged my shoulders. "Bradey please look at me." She begged. I did as I was told. Even though the clouds are more exciting. Not. I hate airplanes. I get jump and antsy. But I'm not tired so that makes it worse.

"Are you still mad at me mama?" I asked.

"No I'm not Bradey. Do you still wanna do the rehab thing?"

"Yes please. I don't wanna drink anymore. It was hurting me more than I thought it was helping."

"Okay we will have you go. But do you have any other booze or what ever you drink?"

"Yes. In my room in the mini fridge I have in there."

"Mini fridge?" She was shocked.

"Yeah I got it from Thomas. He said it was for the gaming room. But I took it into my room." I frowned. "But I feel really bad about it now."

"Were getting rid of that mini fridge." Mama scowled. She's mad.

"Understood. But mom I need you to be with me not against me. I need you to help me through. Please?"

"Forever and always Bradey." She smiled. That's the first time in a while that she actually smiled at me since she found out that I drank. It felt good.

"I love you mama."

"I love you two Bradey boy." That made me feel good, that she still loves me.

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