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Bradey's P.O.V

It's been about a month since we went to see if Reilly was actually pregnant. Now we are going to see the gender of the baby. This is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me. Well to us. Reilly has been having morning sickness a lot. Honestly I think Reilly isn't enjoying that part of the pregnancy.

"Hey Bradey what are we going to name the baby?" Reilly had asked me once we walked into the slightly warm hospital.

"Well let's worry about the name of our pride and joy once we know the gender of the baby." I had said not wanting to discuss names with Reilly before we get our hopes up on a gender of the baby.

"But I think it would pass time Bradey."

"It would but I want to enjoy time with you. Cause I mean soon enough we'll be changing dipers and making bottles. We can say goodbye to a normal teenager stuff once the little Thirlwall is born."

"Who says the baby is having your last name Thirlwall." Reilly giggled.

"Oh it's having your last name?" I giggled slightly kissing the top of her head.

Soon enough we went into the ultrasound room once again. I honestly can't wait to see the gender of the baby. It's like we are finally getting to the mysetery part in a novel. Or in a movie. But this was better than a book or a movie. It's different. It's life.

Reilly's P.O.V

The nurse was rubbing that gel like substance on me in the ultrasound room. It was as cold as the first time it had been put on me. Then we looked up at the moniter. That's when I saw it. My baby.

"Well it looks like you and Mr. Thirlwall are going to be having triplets." The nurse has said to Bradey and I.

Triplets? Triplets. Triplets! Bradey and I aren't having one kid. We are having 3 kids. How are we going to manage with 3 kids at one time? Like seriously.

When I looked up at Bradey he was in shock but it was like a happy kind of shock. What is going on in his head? Like seriously.

"Would you like to know the genders?" The nurse had asked Bradey and I.

"Your call babe." Bradey told me.

"Yes we would like to know the genders of the babies." Bradey just smiled at what I said.

"Well two of them are boys, one of them is a girl." The nurse who had told us the gender of the unborn babies. "I'll give you guys a moment." The nurse left the room we were in.

"Wow triplets." I breathed out once the door was closed.

"Yeah I know. Two of them are boys." Bradey excerted excitment off of his face.

"Yeah I heard that Bradey. But we can't handle 3 kids at once."

"We have my mom, my dad, the girls, the one direction boys, Thomas, and Charles and Zac. They are all willing to help us out with our children."

"I know that Bradey but three kids?! That's a lot for me to handle."

"Well what do you want me to do Reilly?" He asked me taking my hand into his.

"I don't know. But all I know is that I'll be giving birth three times Bradey."

"That's not my fault baby."

"I know it's not Bradey. I'm just nervous about all of this."

"Well don't be nervous. I know I'm not a doctor or my mother but I don't think being nervous is good for the baby."

"It's not good for the babies Bradey."

"Look at me Reilly, we can make it through this I promise. We are Brally. Always will be Brally. We can make it through anything and everything. But you have to trust me. I love you Reilly. I really do. And I love our kids."

"You're gonna be a heck of a good daddy."

"Not as good of a mommy that you'll be."

"So names?"

"Let's think of that in the car. But first we have to get out of here first."

"Okay so you guys are free to go." The nurse has said coming back in to the room and unhooking the machine.

Once Bradey and I were back in the car we decided to talk baby names for our 3 bundles of joy. We honestly only expected one kid. Well that's what happened in my dream that I had.

"What about Bradey junior for one of the boys?" Bradey asked.

"Yeah, no. Not going to happen."

"How about Karson?"

"That works for one of the boys. But I want the other boy to be named Aiden."

"Deal. Now what about our dauhgter she needs a name too."

"Hmm I'm not sure on that one Bradey."

"Why don't we name her after her beautiful mother."

"No I don't think so. She should have her own special name."

"It shall be unique then."

"You are such a dork Bradey."

"It takes practice." Bradey had laughed pulling into his drive way.

"Practice in which you don't need." I laughed getting out of the car.

-authors note-

Hey guys check out my new story life unexpected please? Thank you if you do read it

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