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Reilly's P.O.V

I just got home from Bradey's. I took the city bus no big deal.

"Darling come her a minute." Mum called.

"Is everything alright?" I questioned. To be honest my mum is kinda scary.

"Look at the screen. Your smartass boyfriend is on the telly."

"He is apart of a famous family mom."

"Oh yeah then who is the girl that he is kissing?"

"Woah woah what?"

"Yeah Bradey Thirlwall cheated on you."

"He wouldn't. He couldn't. Bradey isn't like that."

"The camera doesn't lie sweetheart."

"In this case it does lie. Bradey is a faithful person. Loyal. My true love."

"Well he played you baby girl."

"That's a lie mother. Bradey wouldn't hurt a fly."

"You said it yourself that he breaks walls."

"Not all the time. Only when he can't find a way out."

"And how often is that Reilly?"

"Very often lately."

"Exactly my point Reilly.

"What's all the yelling about?" My brother Fred asked.

"Bradey kissed another girl." I muttered. I hated to think that he did. But what if he really did chest. Then I would look like a fucking fool.

"I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch for hurting you lil sis."

"No don't Fred. It's not worth it." I cried.

"But he hurt you Reilly."

"I don't give a rats ass Fredward. Now just leave me and Bradey alone." I said heading to my room. I decided to text Bryce. Maybe he knows what this is about.

R- hey Bryce did you see the gossip show today?

B- yeah sure did. i'm really srry baba

R- do you think its real?

B- it was a long kiss. so probably yea its real

R- oh great fred is still going on about killing Bradey

B- Want me go talk to him before Fred does?

R- please?

B- sure only bcuz you two are made for each other

After Bryce replied for the last time I started crying my eyes out. The one guy that I trusted betrayed my trust. Why did I have to fall for him so hard? What was the point. Soon I noticed a picture of Bradey and I together. I walked up to it and ripped the picture up. He an I are over. No going back. I don't care anymore about this. I'm so over it.

----Authors Note----
I know this was a rubbish chapter the next few should be interesting. Are things gonna get better for Bradey and Reilly? Well Bradey leave on bad terms?

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