Eleanbas Family

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Bradey's P.O.V

We just got to Anthony's place. It's nice to be here again. Especially after what happened with Sam. Peyton, Anthony, and I are in the basement playing some pool. Just like the old days.

"Okay Bradey don't sink the 8 ball." Peyton lectured me.

"No I wanted to sink that one asshole." I teased.

"Oh just make you shot. An quit acting like a fucking old married couple." Anthony chuckled. God he is funny some of the time.

"I heard a old Eleanbas is down here livin it up!" I heard my cousin Ashley shout. She is a hair stylist, and a casino worker. Her boyfriend is Kyle.

"Ashley. How's it going girlie." I smiled as I gave her a hug.

"Good. Oh your mother wants you to come up for a bit."

"Alright. Come on assholes upstairs." I laughed towards Peyton and Anthony.

We all got upstairs and I went to find mama Thirlwall. I wonder what she needs. Soon enough I found her standing next to my cousin Cindy.

"Yeah mom you called?" I asked.

"Oh Bradey yeah I did."

"Do you need something?"

"Well me and your cousin Cindy were talking about a youth group that she co-leads."


"They have a mission trip coming up, would you want to go? Anthony and Peyton are going."

"I don't know mom. I mean i have been having a lot of emotional issues lately."

"Just think about it bud. You may change your mind."

"Okay I'll think about it." I smiled.

"Hey Bradey wanna go throw the football around a little and chat?" Anthony asked me.

"Can I mom?"

"Include your sister."

"Yeah okay. Later." I sped off to find Carter an then met Anthony outside. "Sorry I had to let Carter chill with us."

"It's alright buddy boy. Your sis is a chill kid."

"I am not a kid." Carter huffed.

"Right sorry miss Carter." Anthony frowned.

"It's okay." She smiled. Aw my sissy is so adorable.

"Alright go catch the ball Carter." I said throwing the diamond shaped ball across the yard. She ran after it.

"So you really tried to kill yourself?"

"I thought that I said I didn't want to talk about it?"

"You did. But I just don't understand why. Things were going so good for you."

"Things change dude."

They don't change unless you make it change."

"I know that Anthony."

"What happened that made you think that killing yourself was the only option?"

"Because Reilly broke it off with me. And I got shit loads of hate because of it. I just couldn't cope Anthony."

"Why didn't you ask for help?"

"I was scared Anthony.

"Bradey I know we joke around a lot but that doesn't mean that I don't care."

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