New Guy

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(Edited on October 6, 2014)

Chapter 1: New Guy

"Mack," The bed was shaking. "Mack."

I groaned as I hugged my pillow and sheets.

"Mack." My annoying older brother, Mike yelled. He's a year older than me and on the football team.

"What?" I snapped. I opened my eyes to see him standing in front of me with his arms crossed.

"You're late." He said before he left the room.

My eyes widen as I looked at the clock on my nightstand. "Seven-thirty?" I yelled.

I ran into my closet and quickly changed into black jeggings and a white tank-top with a mustache in the middle. I rushed and shoved my things into my school bag then slipped on my beige flats. Leaving my brown straight hair down, I ran downstairs into the kitchen.

"Why didn't you wake me earlier? I missed the bus again." I scolded Mike as I grabbed a granola bar.

"I did, you're just too stubborn." He said, leaving the kitchen. "You have ten minutes or I'm leaving without you." The front door slammed and I rolled my eyes.

Mom came in and handed me my weekly allowance. "Better hurry." She said with a disappointing tone.

"Mike must've changed my alarm time." I said.

"Just go before you get detention again." I nodded and kissed her cheek. "Be home for dinner tonight."

I heard Mike honk his horn. "I promise." I said to mom, knowing she wants me home on time.

I heard honking again. "Hurry before you get in trouble." Mom said scurrying me out of the house.

"I'm coming!" I yelled at Mike. "I'm going to get in trouble one way or another." I chuckled before leaving.

Mike kept honking his horn as I got closer and closer to his car. Once I was in he was complaining about how slow I am.

"You woke me up late." I protested.

"You have an alarm clock for a reason." He said, pulling out of the driveway.

"I set an alarm last night, you changed." I snapped at him.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." He shrugged.

We had three minutes to spare to get to class, but I had no time to run and grab my Trig textbook. I know Mr. O'Neil would mark me down for not having my textbook, which lowers my grade. I'd rather be late than have a low grade in that class, so I quickly ran to my locker and grabbed my book. I was halfway to class when the bell rang and the Principle stopped me.

"Late again, Ms. Martin." He crossed his arms and looked down at me.

"It was just the first bell, I still have a few more minutes." I said quickly.

"Well, I need someone to show Mr. Larson around." A six foot tall guy came out of the office and stood next to Principle Philips. The good looking, dark brown hair boy was waiting for Mr. Philips to show him to his first class.

"I would, sir, but I have to go to class." I said, trying to peel my eyes off the new guy. I totally regret what I just said. I'd be stupid if I didn't want to show this guy around.

"Mr. Larson, what's your  first class?" Principle Philips asked.

The guy pulled out a piece of paper and scanned it. "Trigonometry." He answered.

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