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Chapter 16: Complications

It was fun spending the last 2 days with just my grandparents. They're the best I swear. Besides the sweater, Grams got me an Ipad and Gramps got me a purse, which I'm sure Grams picked out. I got a lecture at the airport back in New York for leaving the mansion right away without telling anyone. Whatever, I had to leave. Connor and Jason have been trying to contact me but I would just ignore it.

Finally I'm back at home. Now I could just focus on my future and think about what I need to do without distractions. Hopefully.

I haven't really thought this plan through. Coming back here by myself. I totally forgot that I don't have a car and all my friends that could've picked me up, are in New York.

I pulled out my phone looking for someone who could pick me up "Hey you need a ride?" I looked up


He got out of his car "Yeah Connor told me to pick you up"

"How did he know when? I never told him"

"Cera told him" I rolled my eyes. He finished putting my stuff in the trunk "Shall we?" he was holding the door for me

"Thanks Blake"

"No problem" he started up the car and we were on the road "Connor told me what happened"

"Nothing happened"

"Mack you can deny it as much as you want but we all know you Love him"

"As in we, you mean you right"

"No I mean Cera, Ruby, Mike and so on"

"Well you guys are wrong. I don't love Connor"

"Yes you do"

"Can we not talk about this?"


Even if I did love him, I have no time for relationships. Speaking of relationships, how come Blake doesn't have a girl? I know he's not gay. I think.

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

"What makes you think that I don't have a girlfriend?"

"You're always with Connor and no one else. You're not gay are you?" I raised a brow

"One, I'm not gay and two, Connor's my bestfriend. I've been trying to get you two together"

"Well you should stop and find yourself a girl"

"I will. After I'm done getting you two together"


"It will happen Mack. Just wait"

"No it's not Blake.  Me and Connor will never be together" he pulled over "What are you doing?"

"Explain to me why you and Connor will never be together"

"Because" I said in a soft tone looking at my hands

"Because what Mack? Because you want to be with one of your stupid ex's? Because -"

"Blake stop" tears blurred my vision 

"Tell me Mack, why won't you give my best friend a chance?"

"Because I'm leaving"

"You're leaving?"

"I got accepted for an early college course at UPen. Only 40 are accepted and I'm one of them"

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