A New Beginning

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Chapter 22: A New Beginning

I was up in my bedroom packing all my stuff, well the stuff I need. Mom's keeping my room the way it is, if I want to visit from college for the holidays. I can't wait to leave, finally get a fresh start. I hope college isn't as brutal as high school is.

"Mack? You need help?" Mike asked walking into my room

"Is my brother asking to help me?" I crossed my arms

"Yeah. You're leaving later and I don't want you to leave anything behind. You're my baby sis, I'm just looking out for you"

"Thanks. Can you take my bags downstairs?" he nodded and took the two suitcases

"Mackayla darling" Mom walked in with a present in her hands

"What's that?" I asked getting off the floor to sit on the bed

"It's your Christmas present from me and your father" she sat next to me "You never opened it"

"Well I've been busy"

"Well I think it's the best time for you to open it" I nodded taking it from her hands.

There were two items inside. The first one I pulled out was a small box, inside was a gold locket

"It was my grandmothers. She gave it to me when I was your age" I smiled as I remembered my great grandma Marie

Yes, that's where I got my middle name.

I took out another item. It was a credit card

"It's an emergency card, but you can use it for whatever you want" she whispered the last part to me. I smiled and hugged her

"Thanks mom"

"No problem baby" she pulled away and wiped her eyes

"I'll be home before you know it"

"I know. It's just that you grew up so fast. Way to fast" she started to tear "Next thing you know. You'll be coming here with you kids"

"Mom. You're over exaggerating. I think it'll be awhile til I have kids"

Yeah now that Connor's gone his own way

"Mackaroon. It's almost time to go" Dad asked peeping through the door

I nodded "Let me finish packing" he nodded before leaving

"Well I'll leave you to it" Mom said wiping her tears and getting up

"I'll meet you downstairs" I pushed her out of the room before I see more waterworks

I finished packing up my purse and then my back pack. I looked at my room one last time, looking around how it looks a bit empty but most of my things are still there. I went over by my window seat and lifted it to get my book about me and the others. I put it in my bag and went downstairs

They all smiled at me while I walked down, well mom bawled her eyes out. I hugged my parents for a last good bye til summer, I hope.

Mike and Maia are taking me, I know if mom goes I'll miss my flight and dad has to get ready to leave. He's going to Italy for awhile, he said he's going to visit me and bring me some stuff

I hugged my mom and she cried for about 5 minutes, dad had to pull her off of me

"I'll see you mom. I promise to come home when I can" I kissed her on the cheek and she cried hareder and harder

"You should go baby. I'll see you in a few weeks" I nodded and kissed him on cheek

"Love you daddy"

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