Christmas Favors

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Chapter 13: Christmas Favors

Connor has been staying at my place for the past 2 days, sure I got in trouble by dad but he let it slide. I told Lucinda that he's been here instead of his own house. We went to the airport so I can see my bestfriend before he leaves, he gave me my present and told me not to open it until Christmas.

I've been packing all my formal clothes, which is so uncomfortable and super tight. The whole time I'm packing, I'm wondering what the hell is in that box? It's just sitting there on my dresser, mocking me cause I can't open it.

I just sat on my bed and looked at it, it irritates me so much. UGH!!

"I would just open it if I were you princess"

"I can't, he told me not to"

He came over and sat next to me "He said you couldn't but I can"

"I don't think you should"

"Come on princess" I rolled my eyes

"I don't care I'm going to open it" I grabbed the box and brought it to the bed. I took a deep breath. I opened it a little..... I can't believe it. I removed the wrapper and read the card.

     I knew you couldn't resist the temptation, so I wrapped it twice. Remember you have to open it on Christmas.

I rolled my eyes and laid back "He is unbelievable" He chuckled

"Mack you have 10 minutes to finish packing, then we're out the door" Maia yelled

I shoved everything else in even Chase's present, not really caring how messy my bag looks or if I mess the present. I know it's not fragile, I shook it right when I got it and I didn't hear anything break

"Well got to go" I put my luggage on the ground "Are you going to be okay here?"

"I'm fine princess"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah" he grabbed one of my bags "How about I drive you to the airport"

"That would be great" he smiled "But I'm driving" he rolled his eyes and we were out the door

"Flight to New York will be boarding in 40 minutes" the lady on the intercom said

We were waiting outside the terminal just talking. I found out the reason I haven't see Connor much in the past month, it was because he was drinking, getting into bar fights, stealing, and running from the cops. Him and Craig have been arguing nonstop that's why. It explains so much now

"That's me" I hugged him "You should go, I'll see you when I get back"

"How about when you're there?"

I pulled away and raised a brow "What do you mean?"

He reached for his back pocket "While you were in the bathroom" he pulled out boarding passes "I got my ticket"

"You're going to New York?"

"You bet princess"

"Wait where are your bags?"

"Arnold" he came out with a roll away and a backpack

"That thing you guys take.... It's dreadful"

"Thank you Arnold. Be careful with the Porsche and make sure Aunt Lucy will be safe without me here" he hands Arnold the keys

"Will do sir" he handed Connor his bags "Have a great flight to New York"

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