Mixed Feelings?

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Chapter 23: Mixed feelings?

4 months later

"Mom, please" I was pacing back and forth while Sloan just watched me talk on the phone

"You are coming home" she said in a serious tone

"Mom, dad said I can go"

"I don't care what you're father says. You are coming home and that's final"

I rolled my eyes "Me and Sloan will be there for two weeks then I have to go back to my studies"

I've been on the phone with my mom discussing how me and Sloan are going to Florida to visit Cera, Maia and Aly before their senior year. Cera's mom insisted that we go on the trip but my mom is not letting anything go. It's our last time together before their senior year

"Mackayla Marie Martin. You are going home"

"Mom. Florida is closer to Pennsylvania then California is"

"That doesn't matter"

I groaned "Mom. Cera's mom is going, why don't you come?"

"Cause I want all my babies with me, at home"

"Mike is going too and he's school here. Why don't we all go to Florida?"


"Mom it's a good idea"


"Yes. Thank you mom. I love you"

"Love you too"

"Bye mom"

"Bye Mackayla"

I hung up and squealed "So I'm taking that as a yes" Sloan said. I nodded and she smiled then hugged me

Me and Sloan started getting closer. We have somethings in common but Cera will always be my bestfriend, who's a girl.

I got close to the boys too but not really Jake. Ever since Sloan told me he's a player, I found no interest in him what so ever. I'm done with bad boys. That's like so high school. Plus me and him fight, like, all day everyday

Ryan's like Chase. He's like a really fun guy I could just hang with all day and never feel weird around him. But Chase will always be my bestfriend, since ever since

I got my stitches and body checked a month after I arrived here

"Well better get packing" I said, she nodded and went straight to her closet. I did the same

*Knock* *Knock*

"It's open" Sloan yelled, Caleb walked in and went over to kiss his girlfriend

"What if he was a robber Sloan?"

"Well he's not at least" she smiled, I rolled my eyes

"So what's the 411?" Caleb asked

"We're leaving in 2 days for Florida" I said shoving things into my suitcase

"So she said yes?"

I turned around and faced them "Who said yes?"

"You're mom"

"Yeah, why what's going on?"

"Um, Caleb's coming to...." Sloan said "And the boys"


"Well I know if I told you that they're all going, you would've told your mom and your mom would've said no because of the boys"

"No I wouldn't" 

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