Fall Carnival

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Chapter 4: Fall Carnival

I smelt something delicious, I opened my eyes. I guess it was morning because the suns rays were blinding me. I have no idea where I am

I sat up trying to recall the mermories from last night. The last thing I remember is Connor calling me

I was in a big room, the closet door was open. I'm guessing it was a boys room by the clothes. It was cleaner than most guy room though

I got out of the bed still in my clothes from last night, trying to hold my balance. I looked around trying to find my bag then I remembered that I left it in Cera car

"Out of all things you forget Mack" I whispered to myself

I looked for my phone, it was on the drawer by the closest

I had 20 messages. 3 missed calls. Messages asking if I was okay. The missed calls from Cera

It was 12pm, I shoved my phone in my pocket, walked out of the room and was taken to a large spacious living room, the same aroma hit my nose, so I followed it into the kitchen to see Connor by the stove wearing black jeans and a vneck

"Good morning princess. Sleep well?" he handed me a plate of crepes and a glass of orange juice. His lip was cut, so was his cheek but it also had bruises

"It smells delicious" I took a bite and was speechless "The bad boy can cook"

He chuckled "Whatever Mack"

"Where are we?" I asked curiously

"This is my place" I was confused. I thought he stays with his Aunt "The pool house is my place"

"Wow so you take girls here all the time I bet"

"I'm not like that princess"

"Then what are you like?"

"You have to find out"

"That's so lame"

"Whatever princess" he walked out of the kitchen I stayed and finished the delicious brunch

I put my plate and cup in the sink and walked into the living room. He was sitting on the couch, I sat next to him but put distance between us

"Are you okay?" I asked looking at his injuries

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Does it hurt?" I was about to touch his face but I pulled my hand back

"No" I feel bad for what happened I didn't want him to get hurt hes not really my boyfriend so technically he got beat up for no reason "It's okay princess I'm fine"

"I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"For what happened last night, you got hurt for no reason"

"Mack, I did get hurt for a reason"

"No you didn't. You're not really my boyfriend so really you got hurt for no reason" Okay I feel like I'm repeating myself

He put his arm around me and pulled me towards him "There is a reason why I got hurt. It's just you don't know it"

"Whats the reason?"

He shook his head "I can't tell you that"

"Why not?"

"I'll tell you when the time is right" I have so many questions for him but i feel kind of woozy "Are you okay?" 

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