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Chapter 20: Irony

A pleasant aroma hit my nose. I opened my eyes to see the sun shine through the curtains. I smiled as I found myself still at Connor's house, knowing that last night wasn't just a dream or a memory.

I looked around the room to see that he wasn't here. I know where he is right now. I sat up holding the sheet around me. My dress nor his clothes weren't on the floor. I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror to find I wasn't wearing any make up anymore.

There was a note on the mirror.

'I took it off while you were asleep. You're beautiful without it'

I smiled and couldn't help but blush as I put the note down.

In the mirror I saw another note behind me. I turned around there was an arrow pointing down to clothes on a small table. Another note was set upon it

'I'm washing your clothes right now so I put these out for you'

I put on the sweater and sweat pants. It fit perfectly.

I walked out of the bathroom putting my hair into a messy bun, heading towards the kitchen. He was by the stove cooking. I went to the fridge to get a bottle of water

"Good morning princess" he said giving me a peck and plating the food that were on the pan

"Good morning" I said taking a seat on the stool. He handed me the plate and came over to sit next to me

There were chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and french toast

"You know I should just live here if you cook like this everyday" I took a bite of the bacon

He smiled at me "I only cook like this for you"

"I'll move in later" I whispered to him

"I would love that" He whispered back. I chuckled "Come on and finish eating. I'm taking you somewhere" he got up and went into the laundry room


"Surprise" I smiled and continued to finish my breakfast 


"Yes princess"

"Just a random question" he stood next to me stroking my hair "What would you do if I left?"

He was silent. I guess he was fazed by the question

"It depends. For what reason?"

"Let's just say. I don't know school"

"I would miss you like crazy but I know you have to focus on your education" he kissed my forehead

"Why is there something I need to know?"

I shook my head and shoved the last piece of bacon in my mouth "Let's go?" I said with my mouthfull.

He chuckled and nodded "I'm just going to get somethings ready"

I nodded. I went over to the couch and grabbed my purse. I pulled out my phone and Cera's name was everywhere


"Hey C you called?"

"Yeah last night!" I rolled my eyes "Where the hell are you? You know Aly had to cover for you"

"Why Aly?"

"Cause I'm at your house right now"

"Why?" Why the hell is she at my house?

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