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Bonus Chapter.

Connor's POV

I watched as she boarded, I had to have Blake hold me back as she disappeared from my sight. I couldn't sleep nor eat for days after she left my house. I lost her because I didn't come to her rescue, I knew where she was and all I did was call the cops to help her. I wasn't her prince like she thought I was.

"Let's go." Blake patted my back, trying to get me to leave the place.

"I screwed up." I wiped my tears. "She's gone now, I lost her."

"Dude, she's going to UPenn."

I sighed. "I know, I don't think I'll be over her by then. She must hate me right now."

"You don't get it. If you go to summer school, you can graduate and go to UPenn in the fall."

I smiled, he's right. I can fix everything if I get my life fixed up. Maybe I can be with her again.

"Let's go, I need your help." I said dragging him out if there.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Blake asked for the millionth time.

"Yes," I said, dropping the bottle of licore the trash bin. "I don't need any of these." I said throwing out more alcohol. "They're going to ruin everything if I get too stressed out."

"Connor," I heard my aunt.

"Back here," I yelled from the trash bins, throwing the last bottle I had from my pool house.

"You're applying for summer school?" She asked, heading towards me with my application in her hand.

"Yeah, looks like the future's happening faster than you think." I chuckled.

"So you'll be gone by fall?" She asked sadly.

I nodded. "Yeah, I need to fix some things I broke."

She walked up and hugged me. "I'm proud of you." She pulled away and smiled. "Your father left you a house there, it's a few blocks away from the University."


After throwing my stash of licore, I laid on the couch, staring at my bedroom door. I can't sleep in there, I haven't since the day we broke up. Too many memories linger in that room. Too many wonderful but heart breaking memories.

She just landed. -Cera

Right away, I sent a text to Mack.

I'm sorry I didn't make it -Connor

I waited for her to reply and it was the longest three minutes of my life. The longest and the most heartaching three minutes.

Good bye Connor. -Princess

I threw my phone across the room, hating myself right now. I heard a knock. "It's open." I yelled sitting up

"Did she reply?" She asked, taking a seat next to me.

"What are you doing here?" I crossed my arms. "Isn't Mike going to get mad?"

"You need to tell her. You should've told her when she stopped by." She said, ignoring my question.

"I don't know why I didn't, I wish I did though. It doesn't matter anymore," I stared at my door again and felt tears trail down my face.

"So you're giving up?"

"I'm not."

"Good, don't." I sighed and laid down. "You have to tell her the truth."

"What if she doesn't believe me?" I mumbled into the couch.

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