Football Party

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Chapter 3: Football Party

*Ring* *Ring*


"Mack wake up before the bus leaves you!" Chase yelled into the phone

I looked at my clock and groan "Chase, it's 6 in the morning. Why can't you wake me later?"

"I just didn't want you to miss the bus again"

"Wake me up in 20" I muffled with the pillow over my face

"I have pancakes and bacon at my house"

I threw the pillow onto the floor "I'll be over in 5"

I threw on my clothes grabbed my stuff and ran downstairs "Bye Mike going over to Chases for breakfast"

"Slow down" Chase said I was scarfing down pancakes and bacon "How do you not gain weight?"

"It's called a high metabolism" I said with my mouth full as I patted my belly

"Slow down sweetie"

"Sorry Mrs. Taylor I'm just really hungry"

"It's 6:40, we should go now" Chase said getting out his seat and going over to kiss his mom

"Thanks for breakfast Mrs. Taylor"

"Mack, I keep telling you, you can call me Abby"

"Sorry I keep forgetting" I grabbed my bag and hopped of my seat I grabbed my last bacon "Thanks again Abby"

"Anytime Mack"

I rushed out the door to catch up with Chase "Slow down" I caught up with him "Didn't you hear me"

"Nope" he popped the 'p'

"Don't go popping p's on me"

"I can 'p'op all the 'p's I want"

"You can pop p's on other people but not on me"

"Are we seriously arguing about p's?"

"Yes cause no one pops p's on me" we got on the bus I sat by the window in the back and crossed my arms

"Why are you mad?" I turned my head away "Really? The silent treatment" I didn't answer "Mack come on" he started to shake me "Maaaaaaaaaaack" I still wouldn't say anything "Fine you asked for it" I turned my head and he started wiggling his hands as he came closer to me. My eyes widen as leaned closer to me

"Fine then gosh no more silent treatment just don't tickle me" I said in defeat


"So you going to the party tonight?"


"Ohh I heard Sydney asked you out the other day. What did you say?"

"I said no"

"Why? She's a really nice girl and she's pretty"

"Don't worry about it Mack" the bus stopped and he got out

"Wait Chase tell me what happened" I caught up to him "You have to stop doing that"

"Mack seriously you don't have to worry about it, it's nothing"

Nothing? Chase turned down one of the prettiest girls in school and he thinks it's nothing. Something's up

"Chase tell me what happened. Your my bestfriend, we tell each other everything"

"Come on Mack let's change the subject"

"Fine, but I will find out what's going on"

What is he hiding from me? He never hides anything from me. We tell each other everything, sometimes the weirdest things. Ugh, this is going to be on my mind all day. Why won't he tell me?

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