Heartbreak and Headaches

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Chapter 11: Heart Breaks and Headaches

It's been about 2 months since Chase's party and everyday is the same as any other, seeing my friends everyday, hanging with my boyfriend and going out on dates Chase and Ruby hit it off at the party but sadly broke up 2 weeks after. Dad went back to Washington a week after the party, he wanted me to go but mom said that I should stay here. The move to Virginia was cancelled, thanks goodness. I haven't really seen Connor around lately sometimes not even in class, I would ask Blake where he is but he just shrugs like he doesn't have a clue where his bestfriend is, I've been everywhere trying to find him when Jack was busy but nothing, I checked the skate park, his place, the diner, the roof of the school, and nothing. I wonder if he was lying about Halloween. Even on Thanks Giving I went to his place and asked his Aunt but he wasn't there.
I was walking down the hall to my locker looking at my phone wondering if Connor would ever return my text. Today just felt like I need to be there for Connor but he's nowhere to be seen.
I walked into a locker door and fell on my butt
"Mack I'm so sorry" the person helped me up. I was rubbing my forehead "Are you okay"
I looked up "Jason?"
"Mack I'm sorry let me see" he moved my hand "it looks bad"
"Yeah it's throbbing"
"Come on let's get you to the nurse"
"Jason it's okay"
"I don't care I'm taking you anyways"
It wasn't a far walk to the nurses office it was just around the corner, which is good for me cause I'm a 'safety hazard' as Chase says
"Nurse Rose?" Jason called out for as I took a seat on one of the beds
"Mackayla, Jason, long time no see" Yeah I came here a lot with him
"Hi Rose"
She took a seat on the rolling chair "What happened this time"
"I walked into Jason's locker" she took a look at my head
"I was looking at my phone" she sat back down and shook her head
"I actually opened my locker and it hit her" Jason said
"No it was my fault I wasn't paying attention"
"Well whatever happened, you should stay her for awhile" I nodded "Jason you should get to class"
"I think I should stay here with her"
"Jason you're not her boyfriend anymore remember, go to class before you get in trouble" she said getting an icepack
"Okay" he grabbed his stuff
"Thank you for taking me here" I said still holding my head
"No problem Mack"
"Please tell the others I'm here"
"Will do" he hugged me then left
"How's the rib cage" Rose asked as she put the ice pack on my head
"It's fine no more bruise" I said with a big smile
"Okay I'm just going to ask you some questions, just to see if your memory is still okay" she said showing me her clipboard of question. I nodded "What is your full name"
"Mackayla Marie Martin"
"When's your birthday"
"February 14" Yes my birthday is on Valentines day and no it's not as good as it seems
"Okay What is today's date"
"December 16"
"Okay everything seems to be normal, you can just go to class when you feel like it"
"Thanks Rose" she went back into her office and I laid back
"How's the head princess"
I shot up to see him standing in the door way "Where have you been"
"No I looked everywhere for you"
"You've been looking for me" he sat next to me "Why what happened"
"I just felt like I needed to see you today"
"Connor you're here" Rose said coming out "Happy Birthday"
"It's your Birthday"
"You still don't remember do you princess" he smirked at me
"Remember what"
"Don't worry I don't blame you. You were drugged that night"
"I was drugged" Drugged by who and for what reason
The bell rang
"Well that's lunch got to go" he got up walked outside
"Wait" I handed rose the ice pack "Thanks Rose"
"Anytime Mackayla"
I ran up next to him "Yo Birthday boy what do you mean by drugged"
"I don't want to talk about it" we were heading for the entrance of the school
"Where are you going"
"Ditching" he held open the door "Want to come"
"We still have class"
"Do you really want to sit through 2 more hours of class and learn the same thing you do everyday" if I do leave Jack might wonder what happened to me, but then again I need answers on what happened on Halloween "You think to much princess" he took my hand and we walked to his bike
"Connor I don't think I should be doing this"
"Come on princess don't you want answers"
"Yeah but-"
"You're worried about your boyfriend, find you can stay here then" he started his bike
Mack it's wrong
I need answers though
But risking your school time
"Times ticking"
"Fine" I hopped on and held his shoulders, we took off before I knew it "Connor where are we going"
We were at a park kids playing, birds chirping, the smell of food from venders.
"What are we doing here" I asked as I got off his bike
"Just wanted to come to a nice place at the moment" we were walking him with his hands shoved into his pockets
"Did you come here with your parents"
He looked down then at me "Yeah I would be playing with my mom on the play ground as dad would get lunch ready"
"They sound amazing"
"They were" we sat on the swing "Sometimes I wish I'd stop them from leaving the house, that I could've done something to stop it"
"I can't imagine how you feel right now"
     Mack where are you     -Jack
"I still can't believe you guys are still together after that incident"
"Okay enough with the little hints on what happened, just tell me"
"I was hoping by now something would've triggered your memory"
"I did kind of remember something" he just looked at but I know he wants to know what I remembered "I remember me and Jack were fighting about you and how we kissed that one day me him got together"
"That's all"
"Sadly yes" I ran my fingers through my hair "It's been driving me crazy not knowing there's something I don't remember and is really important"
"It is important I'm sorry to tell you this princess but Larson isn't who you think he is"
"What do you mean"
"You think he's a loving boyfriend that would do anything for you in a split second" he was right I do think that "Now I have a question for you"
"Okay ask away"
"Where does he go when he's not with you?"
"He has soccer practice"
"How about during school"
"Studying in the library"
He chuckled "Okay now what does he do when you offered to go with him"
"He would tell me, that he could do it on his own and with me there it would be a distraction"
"So you trust him to do so right?" I nodded "Okay princess now during lunch do you see Brook in the cafeteria with her clones while he's gone"
Do I see her? I don't really care to look at her but he had a point Jessica and Natalie are there but not there leader. Where was he going at with this. Is Jack.....
I shook my head "No. NO" I got up in frustration "He's been cheating on me"
"Princess calm down"
"I can't calm down. Of course I'm going to freak out, I just found out my boyfriend's cheating on me with.....with.....with that Bitch" good thing kids weren't on the playground when I said that. He held my shoulders "How long Connor? How long has this been going on"
"Think back and try to remember"
Flash Back
Halloween Bash
I was looking for Jack. I need to talk to him, he shouldn't be mad at me.
"Liam" He turned around he was wearing prince charming costume "Liam have you seen Jack"
"He went that way" He pointed to the girls locker room
"No problem and tell Cera don't stay out to late" I nodded and went off to look for Jack
"Jack" I walked into the girls locker room
"You can't tell Mack about this" I heard his voice, he was out of breath
"Why don't you just dump her we all know you should be with me"
"I still like her"
"Fine we can do this whenever you want just give me a signal"
I looked to see who he was with. My heart broke in an instant, he was with Brook and they were making out.
Tears streamed down my face and I ran out. I made my way to the hallway stopped and just broke down crying.
This is the second time this has happened to me and with the same girl.
End of Flash Back
I had the biggest headache in the world right now "This whole time he's been cheating on me. For 2 months"
"I'm sorry princess"
I faced him "Take me back to school"
"I'm going to break it off"

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