My New Bad Boy

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Chapter 24: My New Bad Boy

Mom's been breathing down my back since she got here. Everywhere I go, mom's there. I love her and all but I can't do anything without her watching me. I can't even be around Jake. One more week and I'm back at UPenn. I don't want to leave my friends right away but mom is making me want to.

I've been in Cera's room hiding from her. I was at her window seat while she was in the bathroom

"Mack, you have to leave my room at one point" She said walking out of the bathroom then sat next to me

"Yeah, just not now" she rolled her eyes "Where is she anyways?"

"With your brother"

"That's good"

"No it's not. That means I can't be with him" I rolled my eyes and looked out the window and watched the waves crash "Mack go downstairs so I can spend time with my boyfriend"

I sighed "Fine"


"Just because we're leaving in a week" I got up and walked out of her room to see Jake standing at my door "Jake?" He turned around "What are you doing here?" I took a step towards him

"I was coming to talk to you"

"Well what do you want to talk about?"

"Mack!" C yelled "Talk to your mom" I rolled my eyes

"Looks like you're busy" he said scratching the back if his head

"Yeah. I'll talk to you later than" I backed up towards the stairs

"Yeah okay" I nodded and headed downstairs

"Mackayla there you are" mom said as I walked into the living room.

I took a seat on the arm chair "What are you guys talking about?"

"College" Mike said with an annoyed tone

"Yes back to what we were talking about, Michael. You have Cera and I know you would be tempted to cheat on her-"

"Whoa cheat? Mom Mike is not like that" I said in shock with what she just said

"Yeah I'm not going to cheat on her. Mom, I love Cera and I will never cheat on her"

"I'm just saying Michael. I know how boys your age act" she said with her hand on his. He just rolled his eyes

"Speaking of Cera, she's upstairs waiting for you Mike" he nodded then got up and went upstairs "Why would you think that Mike would cheat on Cera mom?"

"I was just saying that if he does-"

"He wouldn't mom. They really love each other, I've never seen them so happy before"

"Well I haven't seen you happy in awhile" she put her hands on mine

"I'm fine mom. I'm happy"

"I can't really see it"

"Mom I'm fine. I swear"

"I just want to see you smile unintentionally" I looked down at our hands "Have you talked to him yet?"

"No. Not since I went to his house"

"I'm sorry darling"

"I don't know who he is anymore" I felt my eye water, but I tried to hold them back "It's best if things stayed that way"

She lifted up my chin "I'm sorry baby" she gave me a hug.

Why is do they always bring him up? It's been four months. It's over. We're over.

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