Exams Aren't The Death Of Me

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Chapter 18: Exams Aren't The Death Of Me

After two weeks of cramming every single thing I've learn this school year, this week is the week. I've been nonstop studying, even while working I would have my textbooks, notes and Ruby helping me study while I worked.

Besides Ruby, Chase has been helping me the most. After this week is me and him, hanging out, having fun, and hopefully finding him a girlfriend.

Connor's been the way he was before me and him talked, hung out, etc. I was right he's back to his bad boy ways. I found out he got arrested 3 times since the last time I saw him

Jack I've been ignoring. I'm afraid if I run into him he'll hurt me, even more then he has with my arm and the rest of my body. The bruise went away a week ago, thankfully.

Jason, I rarely talk to him, you know with exams and work plus he's in rugby. So no time for us to talk. I got to get out of class for the past two weeks for study time.

"Ready?" Chase asked as I got into his car. He finally got the courage to drive it to school


We drove away from our houses and my heart started to race every time I got closer to the school and further away from my safety place, a.k.a. my bedroom. Today I have my Spanish and Chemistry exams

"I know you're going to ace it. Especially the Chemistry Exam"

"I hope so. There's so much on the line right now. If I don't pass these exams, it will be on my records and UPen will see it. If I do horrible they might kick me out of the program and I studied for no reason. You know how much and how long I've studied for these exams?" I said all at once

"Mack. breathe" I nodded doing so "Everything will be alright"

We pulled up to the parking lot of school. I got out and everyone's eyes were on me

"Why are they starring at me?" I asked Chase, he shrugged and we walked inside. Still everyone's eyes were on me, everywhere I turn, they would look at me and whisper. I stopped walking "What the hell is going on?!?"

"Mack calm down" Chase held my shoulders but I rubbed him off

"No I want to know why they're all starring at me!"

"I'll tell you" I turned around to see Brook smirking at me "You're leaving and it's the best thing that's happening to me"

"I'm not leaving yet. And that's why you're all starring at me?" I looked around and everyone looked away from me. Stupid reason to stare at me

"But the point is you're leaving" she said with a smile

"Yeah and at least I'm getting away from you" I smiled

"You didn't let me finish Martin. You're leaving and never coming back" she smile mischievously

I did the same "Here's the catch with me leaving Brook" My smile grew bigger "But I'm coming back" She groaned and walked away in frustration

"Mack, you don't know if you're coming back" Chase whispered to me

"You know that and I know that but they don't" I whispered back. He nodded.

I went to the library to do a little last minute studying

"Mack take a break" he pulled my notebook

"Chase I can't" I pulled it back "My future is on the line"

"You'll do fine" he said pulling it away

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