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Chapter 7: Runaway

I climbed up no problem just got caught on a branch I threw my bag inside and followed

"Why did you climb up to my window"

"I didn't want anyone to know I'm here"

"What are you doing here"

"Can I stay a few days"


"My dad was going to take me with him to Oregon because of what happened" he sighed "So can I stay"


I hugged him "Thank you Jason"

"You're lucky my parents are out of town" his parents are out of town? That means I didn't have to climb up.

I pulled away "So where am I staying" I picked up my bag

"I guess in here I don't think it's the best idea to tell Heather you're staying here"

"Why not"

"You know her to much of this" he did the hand blabbing gesture

Heather is Jason's younger sister, she's a freshman, she's beautiful but is just like me stubborn, that's why we get along so well

"She won't rat out on me"

"Okay then"

"So I can just stay in her room"

"I guess so"

I ran out of the room and knocked on Heather's door "It's open"

She was on her phone "There's my favorite girl"

She looked up eyes wide open "Mack" she hugged me super tight she always had a incredible strength "I've missed you so much" she pulled away "What are you doing here"

"I'm staying here for a while do you mind"

"No not at all" I put my stuff in the corner "Why are you staying"

"Why I can't stay"

"No it's just-"

"Heather it's okay I was joking, My dad was going to take me to Oregon because of 1 incident"

"Oh I heard what happened Jason told me it's just he never told me how it happened"

"That's because he doesn't know"

"So what did happen"

"He was fighting with my boyfriend, I tried to pull him off but he elbowed my stomach and I broke my rib cage"

"Jason did all of that" she was in shocked

"Yeah but I'm okay now"

This is what I like about heather she's so easy to talk to. When I was with Jason and we had a fight she would be the one I would talk to cause you know she can tell me why her brother was acting like that or he's just plain stubborn, I miss coming over and talking to her

"You can't tell anyone I'm staying here okay"

"I promise I won't tell"


"No problem I would do anything for you Mack you're like my older sister"

"And you're like the little sister I always wanted"

"Knock Knock" I turned to see Jason "What do you guys want for dinner"

"Pizza, meat-lovers pan toss" me and Heather said at the same time

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