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Chapter 6: Prisoner

So my plan didn't fall through cause Connor refused going behind my dads back, ugh what kind of a pretend boyfriend is he. I've been stuck in my room for the past 3 days I told Connor not to stop by cause he didn't do what I asked, I know I'm being selfish but I couldn't see him apologize to me again. Cera would always come and try to cheer me up, honestly being in my bedroom everyday all day is exactly like being in the hospital but with better lighting, comfier bedding, and wifi, yeah that's right wifi.

Maia got enrolled the day after I got out she says it's great going to school she hasn't come face-to-face with Brook yet so of course it's going to be great.

I've been on my laptop and blasting music through my purple marshmallow earphones. My dad still refuses to let me leave the house so I listen to music and see what's up in the worldwide web

The door opened and I saw my dad he was mouthing some words but I couldn't hear him cause of the music

"What!" I yelled, he gestured to take out my earphones

"There can you hear me now" I nodded my head "I have a surprise for my Mackaroon"

"Is it leaving the house"

"No Mack we discussed this already"

"We didn't discuss anything you said I can't leave that's your final decision, when I tried to protest you said end of discussion"

"Mack just come downstairs please"

"Fine" I shut my laptop and stood up trying to hold my balance, I didn't want to use the wheelchair anymore cause the bruise on my side was getting smaller, it was either get up and walk on your own or rehab to teach me how to walk again if I got use to the wheelchair

I went downstairs into the living room

"Mack you're not suppose to be walking" Mike said swooping me off my feet

"Mike I made it down the stairs without yours or dads help I'm perfectly capable of walking now put me down" instead of making me land on my feet he brought me over to the couch "Really you couldn't even-ugh never mind forget it" I crossed my arms and slumped down "What's my surprise"

"Mackayla sit up straight a lady does not slouch" my mom said coming out of the kitchen

"Mom you're here" I went up and hugged her I can tell that Mike was about to yell 'Mack be careful' I pulled away

"I'm sorry I came so late I had to talk to your aunt Melinda in Washington"

"Wait you talked to mom" Maia asked coming into the living room

"Yes Maia she hopes you're doing alright she misses you"

"Did she say anything else"

"Maia" Aunt Mel said she was standing behind her

"Mom you're here" she hugged her like she was her teddy bear Maia barely got to see her parents cause they're always on duty for the Air Force "I missed you so much" she pulled away "How's dad, how long are you staying, is there something wrong, what happen"

"Maia calm down everything's okay, dad is still in Washington only one of us could leave and he thought it would be best if I came so we can have some mother daughter time"

"That's great"

"Mackayla, you look well how have you been" she hugged me

"I'm fine Aunt Mel"

"Getting in trouble as always"

"When am I not getting into trouble"

"You never changed" she pulled away "I almost mistook you for Maia you 2 are truly like twins"

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