Costumes & Freaks

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Chapter 9: Costumes & Freaks

Connor's P.O.V.

It's been a week since I spoke to Mack and she hasn't talked to me since I bumped in to her in the hall way. She's changing she's wearing make up, girlish clothes, and she's always with Larson. Okay I have to admit I do miss her, but you can't blame me, I liked this girl since freshmen year and when she told me our fake relationship was over I couldn't handle myself. I wanted her back, she makes me a better person, and even though I screw up she always sees the best side of me. I didn't just want Mackayla back I needed her back.

It's Halloween. Everyone in school are just costumes and freaks of course my crazy girlfriend came in as one of the Charlies angels, matching with her clones. Nerds in super hero costumes, jocks as zombies, and the people who just didn't care that wore a 'costume' tee. I wanted to be one of those people but Brook had a different idea.

I walked up to Black he was wearing a shirt that say 'My Costume' "Dude what are you wearing"

"Brook picked it out" I hung my head

"You look ridiculous"

I punched his arm "shut up" It's true I do look ridiculous

"Connor where's your cape" Brook said standing next to Blake

"I forgot it at my place I'm sorry"

"Well I brought another one. I knew something like this would happen" she handed me a black cape


"No problem" she kissed me on the cheek "I'll be with the girls okay" she went of popping her hips out as she walked away

"Dude I still don't know how you can put up with her" I looked at Blake

"Me neither" I said as I tied my cape

"So I'm guessing she didn't find about you and Mack's make out session last week"

"No and I don't want her to know"

"Why you scared"

"Not for me though"

The front entrance door opened all of the sudden, I have no idea what was going on. Maia came in wearing a little red riding hood costume, Alyana was a queen bee, along with Hunter being one of the jocks he was another zombie, Cera's Huntress, Mike the Terminator, Taylor as Double O'seven, I should've worn something like that but Brook wanted me to be Zorro, then Larson came in wearing a cowboy costume. Where's Mack

"Where is she" Alyana asked

"Mack baby come on" Jack said as he went outside, he was pulling her in I couldn't see her quit yet

"I don't want to I look stupid"

"No you don't come on Mack" Cera said helping Larson

She finally walked in side wearing a cowgirl costume her hair in pig tails curled a bit I didn't really see her face because of the hat.

"I'm inside are you guys happy now" she looked up and she was wearing eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara, blush, lipstick. What's going on with her? What's with all the make up? Not that it's not pretty or anything, it's actually nice on her, it's just not like her to wear it.

"Come on babe let's go" Larson took her hand and something hurt inside of me. I guess I never wanted to see her with anyone else, and how did that happen we ended our fake relationship on Saturday and she moves on just like that, well then again I did the same with Brook.

"Dude are you okay" Blake said nudging me snapping me out of my thoughts


"Thinking about her are we now"

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