Bestfriends Birthday

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Chapter 10: Bestfriends Birthday

Mack's P.O.V.

Great Monday, nothing like ending the Halloween weekend then having an extra day off from school, Thank you Staff Development Day. For the past 3 days I've been trying to figure out how I ended up in Connor's bed in nothing but his t-shirt and him in his boxers, I had the biggest headache when I got up. I don't remember what happened that night, it's all just a blur. Anyways, today is one of my most dearest handsomest friend's birthday, my one and only guy bestfriend I knew since we were three, Chase Taylor. There's no other way to make my bestfriends birthday worth wild then to start it with a birthday breakfast in bed.

I was at Chase's house helping his mom cook breakfast and plan his party tonight, he doesn't know he's having one cause he's not the party type if I'm not there. Chase has a certain list of people to invite to his parties and let's just say they're not the best conversationalist type of people, I'm talking about the chess club. I play chess but I'm not in the club like my bestfriend. Some of the other people that he would invite is a bit of a talkative group of people, the debate team, I tried talking to Jessy Woo but she kept debating over a topic I find boring, I think it was about classes and how they should be longer, Chase helped me out of that situation.

"Mack darling don't want to over cook the pancakes" Mrs. Taylor- I mean Abby said to me snapping me out of my thoughts

"Sorry just thinking about the guest list" I took out the pancake and placed it on the plate "Do you think we have everyone he wants, I mean I've known Chase my whole life but there are somethings I might not know about him-"

"Mack sweetie calm down everything's fine"

"Are you sure cause I think-"

"Mack everything's fine, he'll love it I know it"


She fixed up the food a bit and handed me the tray "Be calm and don't yell like last year" I nodded

Last year I brought up his tray, let it stand on his bed. I screamed Happy Birthday and blew a horn. He shot up and the food flew across the room. It was funny but we had to scrap it off the walls later.

I walked into his room set the tray on his desk and sat on his bed

"Mack why not" he said rolling over a bit "You should be with me" okay now it's very awkward

"Chase" I shook him, he groaned and swatted me away "Happy Birthday Chase"

He sat up and rubbed his eyes "Mack?"

"The one and only" I gave him a hug "Happy Birthday Bestfriend" I pulled away and handed him his tray of chocolate chip pancakes made by yours truly, italian sausage, bacon, eggs over medium, and a strawberry banana smoothie

"Thanks" he took a bite of the pancakes "They're delicious at least this year I actually get to eat my breakfast"

"Shut up" I shoved him a little "So get dressed we're leaving in an hour"

"Where are we going"

"We're going to spend the whole day together and your mom has a surprise for you" I got up and headed towards the door

"Where are you going"

"Downstairs, I'm going to help your mom clean the kitchen"

"Stay awhile"

I headed back to his bed "Fine but I'm crashing"

"Okay" I laid down on the other side and snuggled under his covers "I love you Mack"

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