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I know it was lame of me to just introduce a new character and then just end the chapter, but bare with me okay

Chapter 5: Recovering

I woke up to a man looking over me

"Where am, I who are you"

"Mackayla I'm Dr. Damian your in the hospital"

The hospital? "What how"

"You passed out at home"

"How long was I out"

"You've been here for 2 days"

"Where's my dad"

"He's coming in. Mackayla, do you remember what happened before you passed out"

"I-I was talking to my friends and cousin and there was pain coming from my left side, the last thing I remember was seeing my dad calling for help"

"Okay" he started to jot things down on his clipboard

"Why, what's going on"

"Mackayla, you fractured your rib cage"

"I broke my rib cage"

"Yes, do you know how that happened"

Should I tell him that Jason elbowed me or lie and say I fell which is kind of true but it wasn't the cause of my broken rib cage

"I-I really don't remember"

"Mack honey are you okay" my dad came rushing in

"I'm fine daddy" he kissed my forehead "What time is it"

"Its 12 pm"

"I'm missing school" I tried getting up but the pain was unbearable

"Its okay sweetie I already told the principle what happened your classmate will be bring your work over for you"

"When can I leave"

"By the end of the week so your rib can heal properly" the doctor explained

"Okay sugar time to eat up 2 days out must have given you a big appetite" said a nurse bringing a plate of food in

"I'll give you sometime to eat I'll check up on you later" the doctor and nurse left the room

"How are you feeling Mackaroon" my dad asked as he moved my hair out of the way

"Like hell daddy"

He chuckled "things will get better"

"Does mom know"

"Yeah she hopes you'll get better ,she'll be back when you get out of the hospital"

"What about Mike"

"He's very worried about you"

"What about Maia, she in school"

"I couldn't enroll her cause I had to be here she's waiting outside"

"Well call her in don't let her just stand out there"

He chuckled and opened the door to call her in

"Hey Mack how are you feeling"

"In pain but I'm working through it"

She chuckled "Well I got your phone just in case" She handed it to me I had almost 70 text messages "A guy named Connor keeps calling you and he came over to the house yesterday and earlier looking for you he thought you were me" she sat on my bed

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