Playing Cupid

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Chapter 8: Playing Cupid

The weekend went by fast cause I stayed at Chase's place majority of the time, luckily I never brought up the party. I refuse to talk to my dad, it turns out the move is in December and it isn't even official yet which was stupid of telling me 2 months earlier. I took the bus without my dad knowing. I missed the big stupid yellow bus that kids ride cause they're to lazy to get their license or they're under age to get one. As for me I don't have a car cause Mike's the oldest and we can only get 2 cars for the family, Mom uses the other one to run errands so I can't use it. So here I sit with my bestfriend in a yellow beat down limo on my way to school. Still feeling bad about what happened this weekend.

"Halloweens next Thursday what are you going as?" Chase asked snapping me out of my thoughts

"I don't know, myself. I don't feel like dressing up this year"

"Come on we always dress up together"

"I don't know Chase, I'm just not in the mood to"

"Why don't we be zombies again and scare some people as we hide in the bushes" Me and Chase did that every year since we started high school scare the people who were to cool to be scared to see that they're more of a baby then a jock or Ms. popular. We did that instead of going to the costume party at specific place each year. Jason use to take Heather and her friends out so we never spent it together.

"I don't know Chase"

"Come on Mack it'll be fun" he sang as he was nudging me

"I'll think about it" the bus stopped and I got off people starring at me pointing and talking about me like last week

"I can't believe he broke up with her"

"He's crazy to break up with her"

"She's crazy maybe that's why he broke up with her, hello she was in an accident and she ran away" whoever you are I want to punch you, if I find out who you are you better run

"She's going to freak when she finds out" find out what

"Why would Connor do that to her" do what

"Mack what's going on" Chase whispered to me as we opened the doors to the school "Why are they talking about you"

"I think it's cause Connor and I broke up" I said as I opened my locker and grabbing my trig book

"You guys broke up? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to talk about it there was to much going on anyways" I closed it I turned around to see Connor kissing a redhead a few lockers down.

Wait, it can't be. No way

Cera and Aly rushing up to me "Why is Connor making out with Brook" Aly asked eyes wide open

"I don't know I guess they're together"

"What" the three yelled in unison

"I thought you guys were dating"

"Exactly, emphasis on Were, I broke the fake relationship to many people knew, I did it so no one can get hurt, I said that he can say he's the one who broke up with me" we walked by them and my stomach started to hurt, I don't know why cause Connor wasn't really mine.

We went out to the quad I sat against the tree

"Mack what happened to you last week you were missing in school then you ran away" Cera asked sitting across me

"There was to much going on my dad was going to take me to Oregon with him, Chase found out about me and Connor and the thing between you and him"

"Mack I know what happened the whole school knows why Jack only went out with me because of you"

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