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I didn't talk to Jones.

Damn my lack of self control.

But more importantly damn that chestnut haired girl who I just so happened to run into as I was leaving the building. With her open green eyes and milky white flesh. She was beautiful, and I hated it. I didn't hate her, as said before- she was tolerable. But the lonely expanse of her pale hands begged for a hand to hold. It sickened me.

No words escaped her porcelain pink lips when we collided. Nothing. She backed away from my shocked body and gazed up at me with innocent green eyes. Out of habit a low "sorry" fell from my mouth. It was only polite, after all. She nodded and continued forward as if our collision didn't even happen.

I chose the same approach and huffed, walking in the other direction. I needed sleep. I didn't need her.

+ + +

I didn't bother eating before collapsing into my bed, hoping to find anything but her in my dreams.

As usual, I was let down. I'd known the girl for little over a day and she was already consuming the entirety of my brain.

My dream was interrupted multiple times with her mysterious presence. She was everywhere inside my head and I doubted forgetting her from this point in my life on would be possible.

I was playing the drums, a hobby I've had since I was younger. I was on this large stage -solo- letting my drumsticks run wild over the skin of the drums. My foot tapped wildly on the kick drum pedal and the arena was filled with a steady yet influential beat.

My fists clenched, gripping the comforter draped lazily over my groggy body as I remembered the dream.

Then she was there. No one else was around- just her. It was meaningless at first. She walked side stage and I happened to catch her out of the corner of my eye. I continued rattling off on the drums, the harder I pounded the sticks against them the simpler it was to get her out of my head.

Until I brought my head upwards to gaze out into the seemingly empty crowd to see her perched on the edge of the stage. Her back was towards me and her feet dangled over the stage edge. I gripped the drumsticks and clenched my teeth, giving the kick drum pedal a continuous beating.

I squeezed my eyes shut and felt the rhythm pool through my veins. When my eyes opened again, she was directly in front of the drumkit. Her hands hung lazily by her sides and her gaze was stuck to the floor.

"Get out of my head." I whispered, ceasing the music that erased her from my mind.

Her head lifted to meet my stare. Those green eyes were like beacons and I was afraid that if I looked too long I'd go blind. Then she tilted her sadistic yet infuriatingly beautiful head to the side. Her hair fell over her shoulder in a way resembling a waterfall.

"Make me."

insomniac || j.d.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora