Tussle - 12

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*My updates are finally back on track! For now anyway. THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE AND VIOLENCE. But that's why your here;)*

*Niall POV*

It's been three days since I text Savannah. After her blunt reply I thought it was best not to text her again.

Well I got no hope in talking to her ever again. I let out a sigh before unravelling myself from my navy blue duvet heading for the bathroom in nothing but my boxers. I hated having such a puny body. When I died I was short, pale, thin and I worked out a few times a week... And now I'm a vampire, no matter how much I work out, or eat, I can't gain anymore muscle, or put anymore weight on. Which is okay I suppose, because I'm strong enough anyway. But im quite short for a 20 year old. 5"8 to be exact.

I entered the cold bathroom before placing a towel on the floor and kicking my boxers into my white wash basket. I hopped into the cold floored bath before turning on the shower. The water was cold,  but it didn't really affect me that much as it would 100 years ago. But I still liked a warm shower, so I turned the temperature up a little.

After my shower, I changed into a white t shirt with long black sleeves and black skinny jeans. I looked out the window and stared up at the bright full moon as it shone down on me. It reminded me of the other night when Savannah and I went for a walk, and when she looked up at the moon. To think one night you can be so close with someone, and the next they're gone. Why did I feel so bad about this?! She's a person. And people are pray.

I shook my head trying to get that last part out of my mind. Guess I was hungry. If a vampire doesn't drink blood after being hungry for too long they basically go insane until they do drink or die. That is half of the reason why I attacked Savannah on day one. I'm not sure why else I did it though... Just a feeling.

I was cut out of my thoughts after hearing a huge slam downstairs. I reached to open my door but before I could Harry opened it and pushed me backwards. I fell backwards onto my bed off guard. Since when was HE back?!

"What the fuck Harry?!" I yelled getting back up

"Where have you hidden her?" He demanded in his deep English voice.

He thought I had Savannah here? Is he that stupid?

"What the hell Harry I havnt hidden her! Especially here. Any of you lot could kill her!"

" Then where is she?!" He screamed stepping towards me.

There is no way I'm telling him.

"Why does it matter to you?! Let it fucking go for fuck sakes!" I cursed and screamed in his face.

"Cmon now Nialler, you know how I hate things when they're unfinished."

He mocked before placing his hands in the pockets of his black coat and walking around my bedroom, glancing back at me grinning.

I felt the anger build up inside me and I tried my hardest to pull myself back. When I get angry about something, there's no going back.

"And you know what Niall?! WHEN I get her, and I WILL, the blame will all fall back to you. Because your the selfish little shit that started this" He spat at me.

That was enough to set me off. I ran up to him pushing him backwards into my dresser before pulling back.

"ME SELFISH?! HOW THE FUCK AM I BEING SELFISH HUH HARRY?! YOUR THE ONE WHO FUCKING RISKED ALL OF OUR LIVES BY KILLING SOMEONE THE OTHER WEEK!" I screamed and I felt my eyes glow red with anger. I couldn't hate him anymore right now.

"FUCKING HELL NIALL, WERE VAMPIRES. WERE GUNNA KILL A PERSON SOONER OR LATER." He screamed back returning the shove to me pushing me backwards. I didn't move that much, I saw it coming so I just stumbled back a little.

"NOT. HER." I warned.

"You don't tell me what to do, Horan. Nobody does." He said quietly before throwing a punch at me, hitting me in my left cheek, making me fall over a little.

"FUCK!" I yelled in pain before  gaining my balance and throwing a blow at his stomach, hitting him right in the gut. He let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground on his knees. Right where I needed him.

I brought my fist up high ready to punch him in the face, with probably enough power to knock him out, but suddenly I was pulled back with my arms restrained behind my back, and before Harry could get up Liam held him back. I turned my head back to see Zayn holding me back, struggling to hold me back.

"What the fuck is going on up here?!" Zayn demanded. "Why are you two fighting?!"

"Because Nialls a little pussy who's too scared to bite that girl that's why!" Harry yelled knowing it would drive me mad.

"HARRY!" I yelled  I yanked forward catching Zayn off guard, but he was stronger than me so he easily regained his grip on my arms. He was now gripping so tightly it hurt.

"ENOUGH!" Liam yelled from behind Harry.

"This is both of your faults, so stop acting like little brats in school and grow the fuck up!" Zayn pitched in.

"Harry, Savannah has left the country to live with her family. She isn't any of our concern anymore." Liam said coldly looking at me directly as if the last part was directed to me.

I calmed down a little at the thought of her... But I was still ready if a fight broke out.

"Harry buck your ideas up, or your out. In the last month, you've caused too much trouble, and soon people are gunna start asking us questions. Questions we are not ready to answer... And if you don't stop acting so recklessly... Your out. " A voice said from the doorway. Louis.

"What your gunna exile me?" Harry laughed a little almost as if Louis remark was pathetic.

"Your the youngest, and obviously too young to be a vampire"

"Well it's not my fault the guy who bit you lot bit me too! I'm just doing what's in our nature!" Harry yelled before breaking out of Liams grip and dashing downstairs.

Nobody followed him and we all stood in silence with nothing to hear but my heavy breathing as Harry left the house and out the window we saw him dash deep into the darkness of the woods.

Zayn finally let go of me and suddenly I felt a wave of hunger flow over me.

"Niall... Go drink.. You havnt in days." Louis said quietly and quietly, obviously picking up I was starved. I'm not sure why I havnt drank at all in the last few days, but now the hunger is too much.

I nodded before dashing downstairs as fast as I could and taking a blood bag out of the fridge. I didn't care about warming it. I just quickly sunk my teeth into the bag letting my hunger take over as I devoured the blood in the bag.

I hate being a vampire.

So fucking much.

*How was it? Please comment, I want to know what you think!*

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