Clubbing Is Not For Me - 26

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*Busy exam time, really sorry. I feel so bad.*

*Savannah POV*

I woke up feeling slightly dazed, and I opened my eyes to see myself facing the older boy's chest, with his arms wrapped around me firmly.

I looked up to see Niall's eyes we're closed, and his hair was a mess sweeping across one side of his hair.

He had a got a hot bed head going on.

I didn't have any collage courses today, so I had the whole day off.

I tried wriggling from Niall's grasp to get up but he held me in place.

"Mmph" He murmured into my hair.


I couldn't really argue with him there, so I let out a sigh before snuggling against him. I wanted a lie in anyway.

I felt his arm move and his hand gently comb my hair.

"What do ya fancy doing today, love?" He murmured in his groggy and deep morning voice, and his unforgettable Irish accent.

"Hmm..." I thought for a moment.

What would we do today?

"What do you fancy?" I replied not even thinking of an answer. I was still half asleep.

"Hmm..." He replied copying me, and I felt him smirk against the top of my head.

"I want to take you out today." He added.

I was not expecting that...

I pulled away from his embrace to look at him in case he was joking.

His blue eyes fluttered open, meeting his and almost making me loose my track of thought.

"You... Want to go out?" I asked almost blushing. Not alot of guys had taken me out before.

"I wanna treat you right. I figured we could completely start fresh. Just me and you." He rambled, looking nervous.

"Yeah, okay" I replied smirking while hiding my burning cheeks in the duvet.

He giggled at me before pulling the duvet away and placing a kiss on my nose.

"Your cute. But don't hide from me." He smirked before kissing me softly.

He caught me by surprise, but I didn't hesitate to wrap my arm around him, gentle cupping the back of his head.

His lips we're cool and damp against mine, and the kiss was calm and gentle.

Not compared to last night...

I felt him smirk against my lips and I was forced to pull back.

Mind reading again.

"How do you do that anyway? The others can't do it..."

"Do what?" He chuckled.

"Mind read."

"I don't really know, at first I'd just predict what someone was going to say and then it developed I guess." He explained, not taking his eyes away from mine.

Suddenly his face fell slightly and he began to get out of the bed.

"What's up?" I asked before sitting up alarmed.

"Two minutes." He said before dashing out of the room in a blink of an eye.



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