Jailhouse Romance - 29

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*Thankyou for the votes and reads, honestly I appreciate everything, all of your comments are so nice! If you want, follow my twitter @ridingwithniall , I'll follow back:)*

*Niall POV*





So I've been in this prison cell for two days now, and of course I have not had any blood in that time. And I'm scared.

I rolled over on my so called bed that felt more like a rock trying to get comfortable but failing. It wasn't just the discomfort in the bed, but there was too much going on in my mind.

I was scared about many things. Any time now I will end up going crazy for blood, like when Mike locked me in the warehouse. That alone gives me shivers.

But also I have not heard from Savannah once, which is enough to scare me to death and sick to my stomach.

What if Mike already has her?

My stomach churned again at the thought of anything happening to her. Also for some reason the police wardens here have had everything against me.

The cells here are old, like in the movies, with the metal bars. Also the guards hardly let me out when I need anything, like the bathroom. They do with the other prisoners, but its like they know I'm different, almost like when a dog can smell a rat. And I'm the rat...

I was broken from my thoughts when my warden tapped the steel bars getting my attention.

"Hey Horan, looks like you got a guest. 10 Minutes is all you get. Oh yeah, and you stay in the cell." He spat, before walking away.

Didn't want to leave the cell anyway. Probably end up biting someone.

I quickly sat up knowing that my guest was probably Savannah. I walked up to the bars, suddenly realising how bad I needed a bath. But that was the least of my problems.

The door across the room from me opened and there she was. All in one piece.

It's a miracle they havnt got her yet.

As soon as her gaze met mine she ran up to the bars, that were now the only thing separating us.

"You're- you're alive!" I whispered, leaning my head on the bars, if they weren't there my forehead would be on hers.

She placed her hands on the bars, wrapping her fingers around them and I placed my hand over hers.

I've missed her so much. I've craved her touch, her voice, everything.

She didn't say anything, she just leant up and kissed me, through the bars.

This kiss was the most desperate we had ever had, and in that moment I really wanted her.

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