Uh Oh - 10

776 16 2

*sorry for late update :( and the last chapter was boring.*

*Savannah POV*

When I woke up everything was quiet. My eyes fluttered open and I felt my heart race. I was not in my mothers car anymore. I was lying on the ground for one. Which was made of concrete. Also I couldn't see a thing and the air surrounding me was freezing.

Was there a car crash? Does anyone know I'm here?

I sat up suddenly hearing the sound of footsteps coming nearer.

"H-hello?" I said quietly through my fear. I was shaking. I felt the presence of someone crouch beside me and I quickly jolted to my feet.

By now I was terrified. I could hardly see and there was someone here with me.

Had I gone blind?!

All too suddenly the mystery figure grabbed me by the arm and turned me to face them. Only now I could see who was standing before me. And it drove fear through every part of my body.


I recognised his green eyes and curly hair immediately, and I tried pulling away but knowing his grip would always be stronger...

"Don't struggle." He said deeply in his low English accent.

I felt my breathing get heavy as I turned to look at him in the eye.

"what do you want from me?" I let out in a thin whisper.

"A free drink." He replied smirking evilly at me and I noticed his eyes turn red.

I felt my own eyes widen as I turned and screamed for help. He drove me sick. There had to be someone somewhere around here! Wherever here was...


He cut me off placing a hand over my mouth and pulling me against his chest, so I couldn't move at all.

I felt helpless against him.

"D-dont.... Please.." I pleaded but he obviously didn't listen. Why am I even trying?

"If only Niall wasn't such a foolish little shit. You wouldn't be in this little mess then would you?" He growled in a mocking tone into my left ear.

I felt sad and angry at the same time, and I just broke down. I felt a single hot tear roll down my right cheek and it fell to the ground.

Harry let out a sigh before saying "You humans.. So freaking pathetic."

He let out a dark chuckle before exposing my blond wavy hair away from my neck.

He moved his head from my left ear down to my neck and he kissed it softly. I felt another tear escape, I didn't want to cry in front of him, because I knew it gave him the satisfaction, but I couldn't help it anymore.


"H-how did I get here? Is my mother okay?!" I asked raising my voice.

"Chill out. Your family have nothing to do with our little fun."


"This is FUN for you then?! Going round killing people and drinking their blood?" My breathing was now heavy, and I could feel my heart racing in my chest.

"No, that's my way of survival. You know EXACTLY WHO PUT YOU IN THIS MESS, SO STOP TRYING TO AVOID THE POINT!" He boomed and before I could even think of an answer I felt four tiny daggers stab into my neck and I felt my body grow weaker by the second.

He's biting me.

The pain in my neck was unbarable, and i was too weak to stop it.

So this is how I was ment to die.


The pain was soon subsidised and I felt my body grow numb and I collapsed.

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