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*Who's heard Story Of My Life?!*

*Niall POV*

When I woke up I saw Savannah sleeping peacefully next to me. Most mornings I got up before she woke, so there was less change of her seeing me... Drink.

But today I wanted to stay in bed and actually see her wake up. Her wavy dirty blond hair rested at her shoulder, and she looked so amazing. Even when she was asleep.

The sound of her breathing filled the silence in the room and my eyes wandered to the hole in the wall above her head.

I smiled slightly to myself remembering the events that happened last night.

She's perfect.

I can't think of a bad thing about her... Except that we shouldn't be doing this at all. We were putting ourselfs in trouble.

I was torn from my thoughts to hear her stir next to me and her green blue eyes with flecks of orange fluttered open.

*Savannah POV*

I woke up to see Nialls blue eyes staring at me.

"Morning" I mumbled hardly opening my mouth.

I've never seen him when I woke up, he was always downstairs wide awake before I even woke up.

Not that I'm complaining. He's just woken up and he still looks amazing.

"Hello love." He spoke back.


I had never heard his morning voice before, but it was so hot. It was deep and raspy and gave me chills.

His hair was messy and flat across his head all ruffled up and you could see his dark roots coming through. It looked cute.

It was only when I noticed him smirk at me I realized I had been staring.

"See something ya like?" He asked making my cheeks flush.

"I-I was just thinking... Sorry." I murmured awkwardly.

His eyes wandered from me to above my head and I saw his smirk grow wider.

"What?" I asked before looking above me.

The hole in the wall.

The one he punched while I...

"Ah, that..." I replied feeling myself blush. Again.

"You always get up before me... How come you havn't today?" I asked curiously talking quietly.

I noticed him bite his lower lip slightly before he spoke.

"I just... Fancied staying here..." He answered before ruffling his hair.

"Well okay... Anyway, I'm gunna take a shower" I asked getting up from the bed and retrieving some clothes from my suitcase.

When he packed it back in Wales, he had actually folded everything really neatly.

He was lucky it was a big suitcase.

I searched through the case and pulled out a red G-Star Raw hoodie and black skinny jeans, plus underware garments.

I headed for his bathroom and I glanced back at him.

He sat up in the bed and the duvet fell down to his waist, revealing his bare chest.

"Want company?" He asked flashing me a grin showing his perfectly straight teeth.

In The Shadows (Niall Horan DARK Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now